Hello Everybody I hope you are doing great. This is good Morning time in my place while I write I this. I'm from Nagaland North East, India. We people of Nagaland doesn't appears like typical Indian. We have a lot dissimilarity between us. Many doesn't beleive and know that we're also from India however, it is what it is. As of now, our states is under indian government. There are insurgency group fighting for our freedom from Indian Government. Nevertheless our culture has quite liberal as compare to the rest of the indian states. We consider ourselves as generous people that is what we learnt from our forefathers. Great Hospitality mindset is in everyone regardless of in what number of age you fall in. We respect elders and leaders in any situation we give them first priority. Though we don't have advance facilities that is existing in the large cities. Our infrastructure is also lacking behind relatively. There are many things we need to acquire yet in terms of development, smart technology, opportunity of job etc. With this I would like to conclude my writing. If you could kindly correct my writing I would be very grateful to you. THANK YOU.
20. Okt. 2020 07:13