Last night I got a dream. In my dream my mom’s boss fired a lady who is pretty good and very hardworking in her job. And he asked his niece who is nearly my age to take the job. After this me and some of my cousins went to mon’s company to have a visit. We chatted a little bit and feel boring. So we walk out, the place became seaside. I was so excited, and went to swim with my dad. We had a boat which basically is a tub. Then it’s next day. I became more excited because I realized there’s a rising tide. But I soon found out our”boat” were missing because of this, and the water became muddy. I ran into a small house, the inside is much larger than it looks. Then I surprisingly found out it’s my grandpa’s. And there’re many elder people in my family. I chatted with them laughing while try to find something on the bookshelves. That’s when my alarm clock rings. In my culture, many believes there’s sign in dream probably means something. And there’s website to check what might happen according the sign in your dream. I don’t believe that much. Cause I used to have lots of dreams when I was a child, and every dream was an exciting and interesting adventure, and have nothing related to reality. I even thought about writing a book about my dreams. Sadly now reality is stepping into my ”dreamland”, most of time my dream just not as fun as I had in my childhood. Anyway, is there anything related to dreams in ur country? Or what’s the most interesting dream you ever had? I’m glad to know all about this. And if you could help me to correct my writing,I would be appreciated.
16. Jan. 2021 02:26
Korrekturen · 2
Last night I had a dream. In my dream my mom’s boss fired a lady who is pretty good at her job and very hardworking. Then he asked his niece, who is nearly my age, to take the job. After this, me and some of my cousins went to visit my mon’s company. We chatted a little bit and fely bored. So we walked out, and the place became a seaside setting. I was so excited, and went to swim with my dad. We had a boat which was basically a tub. Then it was the next day. I became more excited because I realized there was a rising tide. But I soon found out our "boat” was missing because of this, and the water became muddy. I ran into a small house, which was much larger on the inside than it looked on the outside. Then I surprisingly found out it was my grandpa’s house. Many of my elderly family members were there. I chatted with them, laughing while trying to find something on the bookshelves. That’s when my alarm clock rang. In my culture, many people believe there are signs in dreams that may have some special significance. And there are websites to check what might happen according the sign in your dream. I don’t really believe that myself, because I used to have lots of dreams when I was a child, and every dream was an exciting and interesting adventure with no relation to reality. I even thought about writing a book about my dreams. Sadly now reality is stepping into my ”dreamland”, most of time my dreams are not as fun as the ones I had in my childhood. Anyway, is there anything related to dreams in ur country? Or what’s the most interesting dream you ever had? I’d be glad to know all about this. And if you could help me to correct my writing, it would be appreciated.
Good job! One thing to remember: Feel bored = you find something not interesting Feel boring = you think YOU are not interesting (I am bored vs. I am boring) As for dreams, I have a lot of nightmares which tend to interrupt my sleep. Once, I dreamed that I had a disease which made eyes grow all over my body. I think interpreting dreams is something of a pastime here, but no one really takes it seriously.
21. Januar 2021
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