Russischlehrkraft ⭐️COACH⭐️OLGA⭐️


Professionelle Lehrkraft
✅your best choice✅+6000 lessons✅+12yrs exp✅certified examiner (all levels)✅PhD in Russian
Aus Russische FöderationLebt in St. Petersburg, Russische Föderation (08:05 UTC+06:00)
Über mich
italki-Lehrkraft seit 6. Jun 2013
Thema von InteresseWissenschaftReisenKunstLesenGeschichte
✅Certified Teacher since 2012 ✅PhD in Russian ✅2 linguistic degrees (masters) ✅2 examiner certificates TORFL (A1-C2);+40 of my students passed TORFL ✅ Certified examiner for residence and citizenship ✅ 2 programs on alternative methods for learning languages Teachers: ❗️talk a lot ❗️choose boring topics ❗️can't keep the conversation flowing ❗️Grammar in a complicated manner ❗️check homework in class It's not about me. Read the reviews and see for yourself!⭐️ ✅listening to my STUDENTS' NEEDS and adapting myself to different learning methods ✅conduct my classes in a way that is convenient and beneficial for you ✅send a message before booking and get ready for great results!

Russisch Unterrichtsstunden

143 Unterrichtsstunden abgeschlossen
USD 15.00+
🚀 Сustomized Russian classes for you ( at least B1 level - you can hold simple conversations about general topics) and personal homework with materials for your needs and goals
B1 -  C2


2,077 Unterrichtsstunden abgeschlossen
USD 20.00+
Paket mit 10% Rabatt
🔊1 week of daily speaking practice using Whatsapp voice messages ( at least B1 level - you can hold simple conversations about general topics)
B1 -  C2


46 Unterrichtsstunden abgeschlossen
USD 15.00
Test Preparation (TORFL) for levels B2-C2 and the citizenship test (+ a lot of homework:)
B2 -  C2


251 Unterrichtsstunden abgeschlossen
USD 25.00+
Paket mit 8% Rabatt
Test Preparation (TORFL) for levels А2-B1 (+ a lot of homework:)
A2 -  B1


194 Unterrichtsstunden abgeschlossen
USD 23.00+
Paket mit 14% Rabatt
🔥Special price for Daily Conversation 🔥 ( at least B1 level - you can hold simple conversations about general topics) with written corrections during our class
B1 -  C2


218 Unterrichtsstunden abgeschlossen
USD 12.00+
Paket mit 8% Rabatt
🗣️The Russian language for business and communication (at least B1 level - you can hold simple conversations about general topics)
B1 -  C2


160 Unterrichtsstunden abgeschlossen
USD 28.00+
Paket mit 6% Rabatt


Auf Grundlage Ihrer Zeitzone (UTC+00:00)

919 Bewertungen

Schüler/Schülerin Steven
55 Russisch Unterrichtsstunden
Auswahl der Lehrkraft
After completing 25 lessons with Olga, I can't help but highly recommend her. Each session, each question has a reason to be asked. The attention to detail she puts into each class is what impresses me the most. She makes me feel unique. After 1 month and 9 lessons with Olga, I decided to take a test, received her good luck wishes, and... We managed to achieve the A2 certification! Now, we've finished our 25th lesson. I just came from a chess club in Moscow, and it's still difficult for me to believe that everyone understands me. I participate during class, make my friends laugh, and create job opportunities. If I had known that having a teacher could yield these results so quickly, I wouldn't have wasted those 10 months in vain. Thank you so much for being my mentor. I just wish you keep receiving the students you deserve. See you in our next lesson!
4. Apr. 2024
Schüler/Schülerin Ellinea
78 Russisch Unterrichtsstunden
Auswahl der Lehrkraft
Olga has been my teacher for years now (although I had various breaks on my language learning path) and I can really vouch for her commitment and availability. She never stops a lesson until we covered everything, even if we are overtime, she is really attentive when I am talking so she can spot my main weaknesses over time, answers all my questions and takes time afterwards to find relevant homeworks to send me. I am glad I can rely on Olga for my language goal: even when I stop learning for months and sometimes years, she is always ready to help me back on track when I start again!
18. Apr. 2021
Schüler/Schülerin Pep
232 Russisch Unterrichtsstunden
Auswahl der Lehrkraft
About time I write another review and I highly recommend Olga a as a teacher: engaging, professional, prepared, patient and always in a good mood. Her lessons are 100% personalized and she has what it seems like an infinite source of studying and practice materials. After 200 lessons I can confidently say that no time is wasted when studying with Olga. If you are serious about learning Russian, this is the place!
30. Dez. 2020
Schüler/Schülerin Herbert
11 Russisch Unterrichtsstunden
Такая заботливая девушка. 😘 Спасибо!
17. Juli 2024
Schüler/Schülerin Michelle
3 Russisch Unterrichtsstunden
Very impressive first lesson!
12. Juli 2024
Schüler/Schülerin Paolo Bozzolo
Paolo Bozzolo
10 Russisch Unterrichtsstunden
Demanding and high quality. Excellent.
27. Juni 2024
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