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One easiest secret of speaking Japanese naturally - Omit particles. - 超簡単! 日本語の自然な話し方
Do you want to speak Japanese naturally? And you don't want to study much? Then I'll show you the way. The easiest and effective way is "when you speak, you don't say 'particles'", such as '~が', '~は', '~の', '~に', '~で', '~へ'.

I recommend it because I do it every day as a native Japanese speaker. For example, when i talk with friends, i say 
"このあいだ北海道(ほっかいどう)いったけど、スシ(SUSHI)、めちゃくちゃうまかったわ~。北海道、魚(さかな)美味(うま)いし(Lately I went to Hokkaido, and sushi was great there! Hokkaido has  lots of delicious fishes there"、
or "きのう、映画(えいが)いったけど、超(ちょう)おもしろかった( I went out to watch a movie, and that was awesome) "。
I say no perticles there, .but these lines,of course, completely make sense and i can keep the conversation rolling.

Well, when i correct foreigners' Japanese writings there in the notebook https://www.italki.com/notebooks/japanese, I never omit perticles, because it's after all written language. Simply, i don't omit perticles when I write, i do when I speak. 

Maybe now you are afraid like 'Does'nt  that sound impolite?'. OK, i understand your fear. Then you should speak "このあいだ、北海道、いきました。スシ、とても、おいしかったです"slowly, clearly, honestly with a calm and descent expression on your face like ladies and getlemen. Then no problem. I think this works universally. 

I'm sure this is the easist way for you because it's about omitting,  not about adding. Then start today!

P.S: Sorry, let me tell you one exception. It's '~と' which means 'with'. When you want to say 'I want to eat with you', you never ever say 'わたし、あなた、食べたい', which means 'I want to eat you'. Instead you say  'わたし、あなたと、たべたい'。

10 de dic. de 2017 0:39
Comentarios · 5
Thanks Phil.  Honestly i usually omit perticles when I speak. いや、ほんと、助詞、ほとんど使わないですよ、普段。そりゃもちろん使った方がていねいな日本語ですけど、ほぼ使わなくても意味通じますよ。この文章みたく。 
11 de diciembre de 2017
Good post. Sounds perfectly reasonable to me.
10 de diciembre de 2017
I see it's also possible to speak using particles exclusively :)
11 de diciembre de 2017
11 de diciembre de 2017
I had a Japanese friend (a computer whiz with excellent English) who told me the same thing. As you state, learners should certainly spend long hours practicing hard in order to use all the particles properly, but when they’re in a real live conversation, it’s silly to hold themselves to higher standards than a native speaker. Not only that, but they should prepare their listening skills for when natives omit the particles. When I say language learners should strive for accuracy, I mean to emulate an educated native speaker in normal conversation — no more, no less.

11 de diciembre de 2017
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Chino (mandarín), Chino (cantonés), Checo, Inglés, Francés, Gaélico (irlandés), Alemán, Coreano, Latín, Persa (farsi), Ruso, Español, Tailandés