Hi, there 👋 Make sure you use this app to learn a foreign language and not just waste your free time! In any case, this post will be useful to you! Now look around and it seems like everyone is addicted to their phones. If you are waiting in line to do something, to buy something, your phone comes out. When people stop at traffic lights, their phone comes out. When people drop off their kids at school, they are waiting in line, their phone comes out. You see people who are at restaurants, they are on a date together. They are both on their phones. And it just seems like it has completely become a norm now where people do not even think twice about doing it. They just get their phones out and start scrolling. I think a big reason for this is that people love the scrolling now. Sometimes it is called DOOM SCROLLING. The issue is that if you have notifications turned on, then you are going to get interrupted all the time and you are going constantly pick up your phone, click the notification and take a look. Now take this from a foreign learning perspective, social media and the phone is the most revolutionary learning experience, where you suddenly have access to endless resources of your target language (like podcasts, sport videos). And you can connect with people from all over the world just effortlessly. At this stage, I just want to ask, what type of apps are you currently using to help your target language? What tips do you have for other learners when it comes to using a phone in general for learning a new language? I want to share some stats with you. 1. The average user will tap, swipe, and click their phone 2,617 times a day; 2. The average time spent on smartphones is about three hours a day; 3. Worldwide, more people now own a cell phone than a toothbrush. If you were surprised I can tell you something else interesting. I am just looking for a native speaker, we could help each other to learn Russian-English (I’m from Russia)
17 de sep. de 2021 5:58
Comentarios · 2
Great writing Vlad! Amazing statistics I am a native English speaker and would love to help you with your fluency
17 de septiembre de 2021
But again there are many disadvantages to phones. I think that people at this time stage, are addicted, where they can not go an hour or two without picking up their phone. Some people have done experiments where they put them away for the evening, those experiments do not last long. They know that they need to do better with their phones and not pick them up so much and not rely on them so much, but they are useful. they are super useful. Just things like being able to listen to music in the car, through Apple Music and Spotify, being able to connect with people and family in a very easy way, reading the news, watching videos that you like to watch, watching sports, all these kinds of things. And yet people get distracted, people get notifications, messages, phone calls. Well, fewer phone calls these days because most people text or send a message. But I would love to know your thoughts on this too. Like, do you think people are addicted? Do you think that the time before smartphones was better in certain ways? And how do you use your smartphone in a way so that you're not using it all the time? So that you're using it as a tool to better your life rather than being addicted to it and just constantly being attached to it. So please let me know again.
17 de septiembre de 2021