SHOULD and AND and S 1. Is the following sentence sensible? 2. Are the 'S's necessary? Please explain. Thank you. Your mind should fly and arriveS to summits of doubt and realizeS that between horizons of trusts, belief and atheism are nearby each other. The full text:
27 de nov. de 2015 21:47
Respuestas · 4
1. The sentences are sensible. 2. The 'S's shouldn't be used. You used the word "should" and it made the sentences become an imperative form (commanding/ giving instructions or advice) therefore the verbs (arrive and realize) should just be in its original form (not tensed). Example. He should go (correct) He should goes (incorrect) She should buy the book (correct) She should buys the book (incorrect) ** I am not an expert :) but I hope this helps.
28 de noviembre de 2015
It could make some sense this way: Your mind should fly, and 'it' arriveS to summits of doubt and realizeS that between horizons of trusts, belief and atheism are nearby each other I guess this is what the writer was trying to pass across.
27 de noviembre de 2015
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