** Holiday Spotlight ** Thanksgiving Thanksgiving is an American holiday in which families reunite and have a wonderful dinner and give thanks for what they have. 1. Even though your country may not celebrate Thanksgiving, share something that you are thankful of. (Try to write this in your target language) 2. In your culture, what is the most important holiday that brings together your entire family? Explain this holiday to our Community. We hope that everyone can learn some interesting #CulturalDifferences from each other!
23 nov. 2020 06:58
Commentaires · 54
In Iraq, we have a feast of God, where families and friends meet for four days to congratulate each other on this Holiday (Eid al-Adha).
23 novembre 2020
I'm really thankful for my family. This year we received the youngest member - my baby boy is 5 months old. We have a 3 years old big sister too. Together, they are the joy in our home during this hard year. Every decision we take, we think and pray to find the best for them. God helped us because there were difficult choices. And when I say 'us', this is probably the most important part to thanks God - my husband. He is the best partner I could ever wish. It's almost unbelievable we met so young at school and built our lives together. Additionally, there are a few persons I need to thanks too (and thanks God for being close to us). My mom and 'our' nanny. They were here when we needed, no matter what. We experienced working from home (actually its not easy sharing space with children, or managing time with so many appointments). However we could see our girl learning to read the first letters and eating by herself - these were blessings. We discovered how to use each space in our apartment (thanks for each centimeter) as we didn't got out for months. We celebrated technological gadgets that allowed us to see and talk easily with our beloved relatives. This year we learned that everything we can have is not as important as who we have in our lives. So, although we miss so much our friends and relatives (it's important to say that we thanks for their lives and health and we hope to see them soon), we can say: these are hard days, but good days after all.
24 novembre 2020
I’m very grateful to all my I-talki teachers who have opened a window into the world and let me speak in their languages.
26 novembre 2020
Hi, I am native Chinese speaker, today it is first time to be here. I am very excited to see so many people here who are from all over the world. I sincerely want to find one English partner to practice my oral English. In return I could help you improve Chinese. Now I would like to share my understanding for thanksgiving day. In China there is no this holiday either, our biggest festival for family reunion is Spring festival or called Chinese New Year(CNY). During CNY almost all persons are on holiday excepting for hospitals,army ect. We enjoy our holiday with delicious food, beautiful clothes and most important thing is we visit our family.
24 novembre 2020
We do not celebrate Thanksgiving here in my place but I've celebrated when I was at work in the USA. I've seen and heard so much about Thanksgiving. I figured Thanksgiving holiday is also one of the best festival because it involves food and drinks, who doesn't enjoy eating, right. One nice thing about Thanksgiving holiday, it brings people together. In the community where I live the most joyous important festival we celebrate is Christmas. The Christmas day is the birthday of Jesus Christ. Therefore as a Christian we celebrate grandly with cheerful heart. Same as Thanksgiving holiday Christmas also allow us to spend time together with each other. People get off during Christmas time hence. I grew having wonderful time on Christmas time with friends because all of my friends come home from school during Christmas time. This time is best day ever.
24 novembre 2020
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