#1⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐시니 [Shinnie]
Enseignant professionnel
All Korean language learning and goal achievement follow one single method. No other methods are necessary. ➡️ Confine yourself to a specific level or age, such as textbooks, apps, and teachers (❌) Avoid blindly memorizing, like Quizlet, misinformation, flattering lies, and bad habits that ruin your Korean language (❌) Follow my analyzed materials and strategies as a priority (⭕) ➡️ Maintain a calm mindset. ➡️ Translation check that corrects simultaneously, your bad habits, and master speaking, listening, reading, and writing at the same time. ➡️ Relaxing reading with my strategies using the best expressions. *Imagination +🍳+ gradually faster + 2, 3 rhythm ➡️ Read only the 10 grammars koreans use the most every day with my strategies, first! then you can start free-talking with all topics but when you need, you just can add more native grammars in order of importance. ➡️You must focus on only conjugation practice without developing any bad habits before real practice. [One word – 🍳 + One grammar] *Guessing Korean word is nearly impossible. So, ask words first for your perfect conjugation. ➡️ After mastering the perfect conjugation, you’ll feel that you want to translate everything right away by imagining your lifestyle and goals (SUBJECT / DETAILS / ENDING [One word – 🍳 + One grammar]) and real practice. *You have to ask words when you’re confused right away for the best interaction. And you have to answer with my provided analyzed words and expressions first to make chances to improve with natives.
to be old-Fashioned
22 réponse(s)
27 mars 2024 23:12