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1,042 lezioni
Tomoko OKADA
I am professional Japanese language instructor since 2004. Main students: Business people and their family, embassy diplomats, doctors and university students. Experienced teaching in Japanese schools. Business Japanese for meeting with Japanese businessmen as well. My class is communicative approach. Customized lessons for each client using Zoom. My skill: All levels available up to JLPT, business Japanese. I know Japanese culture, manners, history, marketing and marketing. Good at grammar, managing conversation. I speak English and a little French.. I am like...: Enthusiastic, cheerful and very patient lady with lots of topics to discuss. In Japanese very "GENKI!"
2,621 lezioni
Kana Kobayashi
🏅 Top 1% of Japanese instructor in2022 🌸 Licensed Kindergarten Teacher 私のレッスンはどんな方でも大歓迎です。 My lesson is for all people who want to learn Japanese. オンライン日本語講師としては、2歳の子どもから70歳のご年配の方まで老若女男問わず幅広いジャンルでのレッスンを行ってきました。生徒さんのレベルは初級から上級の方まで様々です。 As a online Japanese teacher, I have had lessons with students who is from 2 years old kid to 70 years old man. Students Japanese level is from beginner to advanced. 子ども向けのレッスンは、カードや絵本を使ったり、ゲームをして楽しく日本語に触れます。 For kids, I use cards, picture book and game during a lesson. So kids can enjoy it.
609 lezioni
🎀Children(2-15)specialist😊专攻儿童🚩Japanese teacher in Taiwan kindergarten🌸JLPT N5 for kids ages 10~ I’m a professional Japanese teacher for young learners with a lot of experience. I’ve taught in Taiwan and I’ve taught in many other environments. My policy is “no fun, no class”. When you choose a language teacher, there’s one thing you should remember. Teaching adults and children is different. If you want your child to be a successful language learner, find a teacher who specializes in teaching children! Adults are determined to learn in a classroom, but children are not. They learn through fun activities and interactions.
2,456 lezioni
I am qualified in Japanese and has 9years' experience in business, kids and exam preparation.😊 💁🏻♀️My Career💁🏻♀️ 2010-2015 Telecommunications equipment company(HR) 2015-2017 Japanese language school 2017-2019 vocational school 2019- online school 2021- italki In my lessons, you can study elementary Japanese conversation, JLPT and even business conversation.So, if you want to speak Japanese a lot, study in Japan or work in Japan, let’s study together.It’s possible to make a plan that suits your purpose. But the most important thing is to enjoy the Japanese language. Smile a lot, move your mouth a lot, make a lot of mistakes, and learn. Your Japanese will definitely grow.
3,377 lezioni
Shun 日本語・中国語教師/進学・就職
★ Certified professional Japanese teacher (over 3200 lessons) -会说中文的专业日语教师- 名校大学(院)进学指导/专业HR面试和职业规划 英语TOEIC满分商学硕士教授日语 I am a native Chinese-Japanese professional teacher. I have been teaching Chinese and Japanese offline lessons for over 9 YEARS. I also like learning a new language, and I'm now learning French as well. I really hope to help you to improve your language skills through italki. And I am a foreign language teacher with four years of professional training. ◎Beginner, children OK ◎The Japanese company's employment guidance for foreign students. 我是中文日语双母语的专业中文和日语教师,我可以专业教授中文和日语的各个水平,无论您是什么水平我都可以找到适合你的方法,并且我拥有超过9年的教学经验,帮助很多学生快速而又顺利达到了他们的目标。同时由于我在世界500强企业担任超过8年的人事工作,主要负责招聘和企业内培训。我每天都要面试无数应聘者和担任培训工作。所以如果你想通过求职面试,我也能给出专业的建议。另外我对日本语能力考试也有丰富的经验,对于通过考试我也有自己独到的见解。
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5,503 lezioni
Crystal Gao
12-year teacher skilled at correcting pronunciation by listening and observing how you articulate. 1) Specialized in explaining pronunciation from very detailed aspects, correct pronunciation efficiently. Combine the knowledge with the student's needs, and help you use what has been learned after the class. Teach grammar with brief and clear language. Tons of ways to lead you to speak more. 2)With much experience teaching Business Chinese, think thoroughly. 3)Creating Mandarin learning videos in English and Japanese on YouTube, please check 'Crystal Chinese' for more sample classes. Writing Chinese essays as learning materials for intermediates on WeChat 'Crystal Chinese'. 4)Updated my credential in CTCSOL last year, and took over 100 sessions and workshops to improve teaching ability.
5,228 lezioni
Yuna C(Kids-Adults)
5000+ Lessons , Patient , Friendly , Multilingual & Top 1% of Italki teacher With my lessons, you can ✅Improve Casual Conversation Skills ✅ Build your Confidence in Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing ✅ Increase your Range of Vocabulary ✅ Improve your Understanding and Use of Grammar ✅ Improve Pronunciation
2,176 lezioni
🌏Japanese teacher who travels around the world 🇯🇵世界(せかい)を旅(たび)する日本語教師 (にほんごきょうし) In the all my lessons, I will ask you about your interests and the skills you particularly want to practice, and arrange the lessons accordingly And I try to create an atmosphere that is fun and easy to talk to:) As a traveler, I know what you should to learn for your travel. I will help you learning Japanese! わたしの レッスンでは、あなたの興味(きょうみ)や 特(とく)に 練習(れんしゅう)したいポイントを聞(き)いて レッスンを計画(けいかく)します。 楽(たの)しく、話(はな)しやすい 雰囲気(ふんいき)づくりを 意識(いしき)しています。 わたしも旅行(りょこう)しているので、あなたに なにが必要(ひつよう)か よく知っています。 わたしが あなたの勉強(べんきょう)を お手伝(てつだ)い します😊
26.1k lezioni
一緒に日本語を話しましょう! I have been teaching Japanese for 10years since 2009 and have been teaching English as well. Before becoming a Japanese language teacher, I taught mathematics too.
19 lezioni
From daily life to IT related - I can provide lessons that meet your needs! Don't be afraid to make mistake and let's talk in Japanese actively in my class. If you need, I will teach you more correct Japanese sentence in your time. Please use your precious time effectively. And I love trips around Japan and trips abroad. So if you think about a trip to Japan, I can give you advise.
525 lezioni
みほ(後藤美穂/Miho Goto)
【初中級~上級】生活会話/ビジネス会話/就職面接・留学対策「あなたの要望と目標に合わせたレッスン!より効果的で効率的に日本語を学べます!日本企業や講師の経験も豊富で、海外移住の経験もあります!」 2019年10月から1年間、台湾台中市の日本語学校で日本語教師をしていました。 そこでは、「できる日本語」「みんなの日本語」などを使って、初級・初中級・中級の文法や会話の授業をしていました。2020年1月からは、オンラインで会話を中心としたレッスンをしています。 私のレッスンでは、一人一人の要望に合わせたカリキュラムを進めていきます。 ①「生活会話レッスン」: 日本の文化やエンタメ、流行や時事ニュースなどについて、幅広いテーマを扱うようにしています。 ②「ビジネス会話レッスン」「就職面接・留学対策レッスン」: 企業での豊富な経験を活かして、正しい敬語を使った実践的なビジネス会話や、面接練習のレッスンをします。 あなたの要望や目標にあわせて、一緒にカリキュラムを作成しレッスンを進めていきますので、より効率的に日本語を習得できます。 また、私は日本語のみを使ってレッスンをします。(直接法) そうすることで、実際の日本語環境の中で学ぶことをサポートし、日本語能力のレベルアップと自信が身につきます。 さらに、生徒とともに定期的な目標設定を行い、達成度合いを常に確認することで、レッスンの学習効果を向上させています。これにより、あなたが目指す日本語能力レベルまで確実に導くことができます。また、レッスンの前には事前に質問や要望などを丁寧に聞きますので、あなたの学習スタイルに合ったレッスンを提供できます。 私のレッスンを受講すると、より効果的で効率的に日本語を学ぶことができますよ! ◎YouTubeはじめました! チャンネル名:「日本語かいわMiho」
1,483 lezioni
Certified Japanese language teacher with 11 years of teaching experience. 【日本語全レベル対応】 学習者さんの気持ちをよく考えます。 あなたを勇気づけ、自信が持てるようにレッスンを作ります。 あなたは気持ちよく日本語が話せて、自信がつくでしょう。 外国語としての日本語教育の、専門的な知識が豊富です。 明治大学卒業 日本語教育能力検定試験合格、 日本語教師養成講座420時間修了、 日本語教師歴10年のプロの日本語教師です。
834 lezioni
☆Kids Japanese lesson available☆ I am a qualified teacher for both children and adults. I have a qualification to teach Japanese for both adults and children. I completed ”the 420hours of Japanese Teachers' Training Course” and passed ”the Japanese Language Teaching Competency Test”. I enjoy teaching Japanese at Japanese language schools and online. For children, I completed and passed "AJLC Certificate Course in Japanese Language Teaching to Children" and got the advanced Certificate, too. I've been teaching Japanese to children mainly online now, but I've been teaching Japanese (and also school subjects) for children who study Japanese in Japan for more than 6 years. I heve also been teaching at an international school.
3,889 lezioni
Top 1% Japanese teacher 2022 / Fun teacher with over 4 years of teaching experience! I helped international students with learning Japanese as volunteer before. And I worked at an Internet advising company in sales for five years in Tokyo. So I can teach the Japanese business manner and business terms. Also I have worked in a hotel, coffee shop and sushi restaurant before so I can teach the terms for customer service as well.
407 lezioni
日常会話(にちじょうかいわ)を楽(たの)しみましょう! I am a qualified teacher in Japanese language for foreigners. I also served as a volunteer teacher to teach Japanese when I was a University student. After I graduated from University, I had worked at a local bank in Japan for18 years. So, I can help you with business Japanese and polite expressions as well. I am also a qualified teaching for Junior high school. I have taught English in public Junior high school for six months. Teaching is my passion and it is my dream to share my knowledge to other. 大学で日本語教師の資格を取得しました。学生時代は日本語をボランティアで教えていました。大学卒業後は、地元の金融機関に勤めていましたので、敬語やビジネスマナーを教えることができます。また、中学校・高校の教師の免許を取得し日本の中学校に半年教師として勤務した経験もあります。私は言語を教えることや知っていることを分かち合うことが好きです。
2,810 lezioni
京都大学卒業後、日本の大手電機メーカーで勤務経験20年以上。本物のビジネス日本語を学びたい方、面接など就職準備をしたい方、JLPTの読解学習や文章力アップをしたい方、ぜひ受講してみて下さい。 私は京都大学を卒業し日本の大きな企業で長く働いていましたので、豊富な知識を持ちたくさんの言葉や日本語表現を知っています。ですので、私は以下のことについて教えることができます。 本気で日本語能力を早く伸ばしたい方はぜひ試して下さい。 【私が教えることのできる内容】 ◆日本人が実際に話す自然な会話(関西弁も!) ◆実践的なビジネス会話、敬語のトレーニング ◆就職・転職面接の準備 ◆日本人とのコミュニケーションの取り方 ◆JLPTの勉強(主に読解、文法、勉強の仕方など)
87 lezioni
Yuta K
アニメ、マンガ、りょこうのはなしをしましょう! にちじょうかいわをおしえることがとくいです。 アニメやマンガをつかったがくしゅうや、にほんをりょこうするときにつかうフレーズをおしえます。
18.3k lezioni
⭐ Ejderha Sato ⭐
Scratch to Advanced, Teach in 🇬🇧, 🇰🇷, 🇯🇵, 23yrs EXP, 53,000 hrs offline and 18,400 hrs online ⭐All lessons can be conducted in ENGLISH, KOREAN, JAPANESE, and a bit of SPANISH ⭐ Utmost support is provided to build a solid foundation for mastery. I'm a native Japanese speaker from Nagano in Japan, who is currently living in South Korea. I had moved around a lot in my childhood. This enabled me to acquire not only standard Japanese but also several Japanese dialects. After traveling in Asia and Africa, I realized there are so many languages and cultures in this world. Since then, I have become a language enthusiast. Thus far, I have learned several languages, and this has helped me conduct easy-to-understand and customized classes for students with diverse language backgrounds.
17 lezioni
小川幸宣 "Yukinobu"
日本語能力試験JLPTのN1,N2,N3に合格できるレッスンです。 日本語中級から上級レベルの文法と会話のレッスンです。 楽しく学べるレッスンです。 希望があれば、京都出身の私が日本観光案内をします。 小川Ogawa🌟線上教學經驗豐富🏅語言學校老師🏫 中、小學教學主任📚 上課有趣+容易理解👍🏻✨ Zoomを使ってオンラインでアジアの人達に日本語を使って日本語を教えています。特に留学生や日本におられる社会人の方々、技能実習生や特定技能生にも日本語と日本の文化を教えてきました。職場の会話や大学の論文用の日本語も教えています。JLPTのN3、N2、N1の試験対策もおこなっています。すべて日本語で教えています。
172 lezioni
Miki Inoue
English ok! Let's talk with a real samurai teacher. I am a qualified teacher who has experience. In college, I majored in education and studied second language acquisition. (Bachelor of Education) And, I have a lot of experience teaching Japanese to many international students since I was a university student. Many of the students I have taught have passed the JLPT. Also, after graduating from college, I worked for three years as an English teacher at a Japanese junior high school. I am currently teaching Japanese to people in Europe and Asia. 大学では教育学を専攻し、第二言語習得について学びました。(教育学士)そして、大学生のころから、多くの留学生に日本語を教えるなど、たくさんの経験があります。教えた学生の中には、JLPTに合格した学生も数多くいます。また、大学を卒業した後、私は日本の中学校で英語の先生として三年間働いていました。現在はヨーロッパやアジアの方に日本語を教える仕事をしています。