Pedro Salcedo
I like to eat some vegetables and drinking water, the salads is very common for me eating during the week.
24 mag 2024 14:55
Correzioni · 3
I like to eat some vegetables and drinking water, the salads is very common for me eating during the week. I like to eat vegetables and drink water. Salads are very common for me to eat during the week.
25 mag 2024 00:11
I like to eat some vegetables and drinking water, the salads is very common for me eating during the week.
I like to eat vegetables and drink plenty of water. I usually eat salads during the week.
24 mag 2024 21:48
I like to eat some vegetables and drinking water, the salads is very common for me eating during the week.
I would say like this: "I like eating vegetables and drinking water. I eat a lot of salads during the week."
24 mag 2024 16:26
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