let's say you were the staff at a call center, what would be the most natural and used phrase to end the service explanation? kind of like, "That's all from me today" or "That'd be everything for today" I'd like to know the popular phrase
25 mag 2024 08:28
Risposte · 5
Is there anything else I can help you with today? Customer: no Okay well if there is anything else you need please don’t hesitate to call us. enjoy the rest of your day goodbye for now.
25 mag 2024 11:45
Have I taken care of all your concerns today? Did you have any other questions for me?
26 mag 2024 18:15
The other answers give good alternatives but it should be clarified that your proposals aren’t good. They sound rather rude and dismissive in the customer support context. You might say those phrases if you talked to someone everyday and both sides know that you are required to give them certain information.
26 mag 2024 17:41
Is there anything else I can help you with is the most common way to end a customary service call or speaking exchange.
25 mag 2024 16:42
....do you have any questions ...did you understand everything clearly
25 mag 2024 10:11
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