The Tim じぁん!!!
A Storytelling Competition Jone, the introverted bookworm, surprised even himself when he answered "yes" to the school's storytelling contest. But as competition day arrived, his palms turned into sweaty seas. One by one, competitors strutted their stories. Jone's turn loomed, each step to the stage a daunting climb. Under the spotlight, his mind went blank. Hours spent practicing, the memorized story, all vanished. Then, a spark. "Here goes nothing!" he muttered, and words began to flow. He wasn't just reading; he was the story, his voice weaving magic. The audience, initially quiet, leaned in, captivated by this shy boy who transformed into a real deal. His diligence paid off handsomely. “The end,” followed by thunderous applause. Jone bowed, stunned. Without a word, the judges awarded him the trophy. All the nervous sweat, the self-doubt, washed away in a wave of pure joy. Jone, the bookworm, had found his roar.
30 apr 2024 13:51
Correzioni · 2
A Storytelling Competition Jone, the introverted bookworm, surprised even himself when he answered "yes" to the school's storytelling contest. But as competition day arrived, his palms turned into sweaty seas. One by one, competitors strutted out their stories. Jone's turn loomed, each step to the stage a daunting climb. Under the spotlight, his mind went blank. Hours spent practicing the memorized story, all vanished. Then, a spark. "Here goes nothing!" he muttered, and words began to flow. He wasn't just reading; he was the story, his voice weaving magic. The audience, initially quiet, leaned in, captivated by this shy boy who transformed into the real deal. His diligence paid off handsomely. “The end,” followed by thunderous applause. Jone bowed, stunned. Without a word, the judges awarded him the trophy. All the nervous sweat, the self-doubt, washed away in a wave of pure joy. Jone the bookworm had found his roar.
This is a beautiful piece of writing ! Well done! 👏
1 mag 2024 10:08
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