I always wake up at 6:00AM,and get up at 6:00AM-6:20AM.The gap between"wake up" and "get up" is becoming smaller and's a good idea to enjoy a outdoor exercise in the morning,but l'd like to brush my teeth and then make up,because it's really a hard work for me when running to keep fit.l leave home at latest at 7:00AM,otherwise I will miss the bus.It covers the distance for a long time when I arrive the company where I work.Everyday if l'm not working,I'm on the way to work.At least three hours is spending on traffic.On the way to work I always listen English,read English books,or just enjoy the scene outside the bus window.I have breakfast at the company,it offers different kinds of food so you can choose what you prefer.I usually prefer rice nuddles and milk.I wok for my business but it doesn't work for me.I hope one day I can work for my dream.
30 apr 2024 23:16
Correzioni · 1
I always wake up at 6:00AM,and get up between 6:00AM-6:20AM. The gap between"waking up" and "getting up" is becoming smaller and smaller. lt's a good idea to enjoy an outdoor exercise in the morning,but l like to brush my teeth and then put on make up, because it's really hard work for me when running to keep fit. l leave home at 7:00AM at the latest,otherwise I will miss the bus. It covers a long distance to arrive to the company where I work. Everyday when l'm not working, I'm on the way to work. At least three hours is spent in traffic. On the way to work I always listen to English,read English books, or just enjoy the scenery outside the bus window. I have breakfast at the company, it offers different kinds of food so you can choose what you prefer. I usually prefer rice noodles and milk. I work for my business but it doesn't work for me. I hope one day I can work for my dream.
Nice detailed account of your daily life! I understand how hard it can be to have a long commute to and from work. I hope one day you are able to find your dream job! :)
1 mag 2024 02:10
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