Mikan 🍊
Could you please correct my writing?☺️ I prefer countryside. Because, the people living in the countryside are close to neighbors. For instance, they can share some food, and take care of neighbors children, they can help each other. Another reason is that they can consume own local food. It's good for environment. By doing so, it's doesn't need transport far from. That's why I comfortable in the countryside.
5 mag 2024 15:15
Correzioni · 8
Could you please correct my writing?☺️ I prefer the countryside because the people living there have a closer relationship with their neighbors. For instance, they share food, take care of the neighbor’s children, and help each other. Another reason is that they consume (eat) their own local food. It's good for the environment. By doing so, it doesn't need to be transported in. That's why I am comfortable living in the countryside.
よく書けてますよ✨ 意味は通じました。田舎に住んでるのが好きですか?私は、都市に住んでますが、田舎のほうはいっぱい自然に囲まれてるというイメージがあります🍃🪲 田舎に住んだら、リラックスことができるらしいです。都市のペースが早すぎるし、高齢になったら、田舎に住みたいなあとよく考えてます。無理のない範囲で英語を頑張ってくださいね!
6 mag 2024 20:21
Could you please correct my writing?☺️ I prefer the countryside, because people living in the countryside are more friendly with their neighbors. For instance, they can share some food, and take care of neighbor's children, they can help each other out. Another reason is that they can consume their own local food. It's good for the environment and doesn't require transport costs from far . That's why I am more comfortable in the countryside.
6 mag 2024 09:45
Could you please correct my writing?☺️ I prefer (the) countryside. Because, the people living in the countryside are (like) neighbors. For instance, they can share some food, and take care of neighbors children, they can help each other. Another reason is that they can consume (their) own local food. It's good for (the) environment. By doing so, it's doesn't need (to be transported from) far. That's why I (am) comfortable in the countryside.
Everything made sense just some grammatical changes 😃
5 mag 2024 15:42
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