"She had a small gap between her teeth and faded pockmarks on her chin, yet her eyes were beautiful, with thick, flaring brows and liquid flourishes that extended beyond the natural width of the lids." -------------------------------------------- Hello. what does "liquid flourishes" mean?" Yes, I have asked Chat GPT and looked into some dictionaries, but still unclear for me.
2 mag 2024 14:50
Risposte · 5
It means highlights that appear as if they were wet. It makes me think of a glossy eye makeup.
2 mag 2024 16:05
Makeup around they eye. It mentions eye lids. I'm not a makeup expert. It could be referencing Eyeliner / mascara / eyeshadow the flourish definition is the noun version
2 mag 2024 15:21
Makeup around the eye.
2 mag 2024 15:22
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