Deyris Drake
Sometimes, like today, I feel completely stuck with English. I study every day, I have three or four channels to practice every day. I have a daily conversation class in group, I already listen one or two videos of grammar a day, a movie a week, listen and study Ted talks, try to catch up with phrasal verbs, pronunciation, and so on... But still I don't feel confident. And I began to feel over-informed. It's as I could not assimilate more content. And sometimes I try to listen something without subtitles and is very frustrating find out I can't understand yet most of dialogs. Don't think this feeling is all the time, It's just sometimes. Most of times I try to enjoy of the way. But when suddenly I try to concentrate in an important job video and I don't understand most of sentences, I feel very upset.
16 feb 2021 23:53
Correzioni · 3
Sometimes, like today, I feel completely stuck with English. I study every day, I have three or four channels I use to practice every day. I do a daily conversation class in a group, I am listening to one or two grammar videos a day, a movie a week, I listen to and study Ted talks, try to catch up with phrasal verbs, pronunciation, and so on... But still I don't feel confident. And I began to feel over-informed. It's as I could not assimilate more content. And sometimes I try to listen to something without subtitles and is very frustrating to find that I can't understand yet most of dialogs. Don't think this feeling is all the time, It's just sometimes. Most of the time I try to enjoy the journey. But suddenly when I try to concentrate in an important job video and I don't understand most of sentences, I feel very upset.
Keep going! I feel exactly the same learning Italian, sometimes it feels like it’s going really well, other times it feels like I can’t apply what I’ve learned.
17 febbraio 2021
Sometimes, like today, I feel completely stuck with English. I study every day, I have three or four channels to practice with every day. I have a daily conversation class in group, I already listen to one or two grammar videos a day, a movie a week, listen to and study Ted talks, try to catch up with phrasal verbs, pronunciation, and so on... But still I don't feel confident. And I began to feel over-informed. It's as if I could not assimilate more content. And sometimes I try to listen to something without subtitles and it is very frustrating to find out that I can't yet understand most of dialogs. I don't think this feeling is all the time, it's just sometimes. Most of the time I try to enjoy the journey. But when suddenly I try to concentrate in an important job video and I don't understand most of the sentences, I feel very upset.
Nicely written :)
17 febbraio 2021
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