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Today's buzzword to share 今日热词分享 双减 double reduction 就是政府针对内卷出台的政策,要减轻义务教育阶段学生作业负担和校外培训负担,目的是让教育回归本真,孩子要在学校里,德智体全面发展,使成长比成功更重要,不能让资本操作教育。“双减”来了,孩子课业压力小了,小伙伴们不用再比拼谁上的课外班多、课外班有名,孩子们有更多时间锻炼玩耍了,天性得到释放。可还是有家长觉得天塌了,花钱把自己孩子培养成学霸,现在却被剥夺了靠多刷题出人头地的机会。但更多家长觉得天亮了,终于不那么累了,可以护住自己的钱包,不受教育商业化忽悠了。 That's why most parents felt a burden had been lifted when education authorities rolled out shuang jian, or double reduction. The policy reduced the excessive homework load and after-school tutoring hours for students, giving them more time for sports, play and hobbies
16 nov 2021 15:33