Is it possible to learn Spanish and German at the same time? Hello,Hola,Guten tag i want to learn both Spanish and German and i was wondering if i can learn them at the same time?
29 apr 2018 00:52
Commenti · 4
It's possible but you would be studying a looooot. Luckily they're completely different so you won't get confused between the two. If this is your first time learning a language I would advise you learning only one of them for now.
29 aprile 2018
If your native language is English, give German a try first. German’s my second language and I started learning it at 19 (even though I’ll be 60 in about 3 weeks) just because I liked it. There’s more opportunity to speak Spanish in the US, but I personally like German better. It’s similarities and differences compared to English are kind of fun to learn, and I just love the people and culture of Germany. And that makes a big difference too. It’s fine to want to learn two languages at the same time, but it’s not like trying to decide between two different pairs of pants to buy, so you buy both and alternate them. You don’t want to bite off more than you can chew, because what will happen is you’ll get frustrated and give up learning both of them. 
29 aprile 2018
SHL because i love both of them and unlike most people i like studying and i would to speak these languages that is why
29 aprile 2018
You can study two languages at the same time, but I don’t know why you’d want to. Learning any foreign language is a formindable task, if you want to do it right. I believe in learning one language at a time and moving from there to see if you can handle another. Why do you want to learn German and Spanish at the same time?
29 aprile 2018