Blowing your nose in public places

Today I have learned that in Japan blowing your nose in public is very rude.

I agree that it can be not a pleasure. So what? What the person who has runny nose should do it the public place, it is not something that he or she can manage.

How about it in your culture?

Japanese, is it true? What do you do when you have a runny nose?

2 apr 2019 16:23
Commenti · 15

For Brazilians this is also a very rude attitude and many of us get shocked once we travel to Europe and find out that this is the most normal thing for Europeans. When I was travelling in Europe with my mum, she would get horrified with people blowing their nose with no mercy anywhere at anytime :D I remember we were travelling to Czech Republic on a train and there were some Germans sitting next to us and they would constantly blow their nose, very loudly and my mum would look at me speechless. Also in some restaurants, by the table we would constantly hear it. 

Generally speaking, Brazilians tend to be very discreet, go to the toilet and close the door so no one has to hear you blowing it, of course in some situations you cannot help but really blowing it but if we can avoid it and be as discreet as possible, we will. 

2 aprile 2019

I would say in the U.S., as long as you wash your hands after you blow your nose, no will think you're rude in most cases. However, at the dinner table or at a restaurant, it would probably be better to excuse yourself and go to the restroom if you can. If you have a runny or stuffy nose, people would prefer that you use a tissue and just take care of it than to keep sniffling.

I remember riding on the trains in Japan and walking around the city, and I rarely saw anyone even wipe their nose with a tissue. I will say I never heard anyone blow their nose loudly, but I would see people wipe their nose. Yes, it's gross, but I think it's more about causing a disturbance, and people don't want to disturb others. At ramen restaurants (at least in Sapporo), there are boxes of tissues for the customers because if customers order a spicy dish, their noses get runny. I never hesitated to use a tissue in public if I needed to, but I at least avoided blowing loudly to avoid causing too much of a disturbance.

3 aprile 2019

It isn't considered to be rude in the US. Perhaps mildly disgusting. But not rude.

2 aprile 2019

I reckon it really rude, because this we must do in a reserved place. Now, if you want to sneeze, of course that it is a common body's reaction and several times we can't control it.
2 aprile 2019
Well, for a person in a metro train in Moscow the options are:
1. have it dripping from your nose down
2. use a kercheif.

If you resort to the second option, you do it when having several persons in immediate vicinity. If you don't have a kerchief with you, I will understand it.
And you are quite likely to have running nose in winter. But if "blowing" means: doing it loud, it is rather uncommon, but tolerated. Again, I will understand it.

Basically the question of "politeness" in such situation can be resolved in two ways: either you avoid doing it (when possible) or you understand it. Or both.

3 aprile 2019
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