Thought Of The Day💡

Rise and shine, sleepyhead😴 Do you know the early bird always gets the worm🐛 How do you think why? Today I'll tell you 7 reasons why morning people are more successful😎


Let's go🚀


1. They have more energy in the morning and a clearer mind.

2. They get a couple of extra hours to be alone with their thoughts.

3. They are more productive & creative - surprise, surprise 🎁👏 - in the morning.

4. They can plan, prepare and complete their projects at a reasonable pace.

5. They have more time to relax and take a breather in the evening.

6. They are less vulnerable to stress.

7. Finally, morning people are really happier, it's officially proved by scientists😋


Are you an early bird (a morning person) or a night owl (a night person)? Let me know in the comments below⬇️


Have a beautiful day, little bird🐣☕️👋

2 apr 2019 20:48
Commenti · 4
Early bird for me ....I do want to catch those worms if I can!

Couldn't agree are definitely more productive if you can take the plunge by shunning the snooze button and rising with our cockerel friends and other like-minded early morning creatures!

3 aprile 2019
You are absolutely right.
Unfortunately I am a night person, however I try to be an early bird.
2 aprile 2019
You are absolutely right.
Unfortunately I am a night person, however I try to be an early bird.
2 aprile 2019
Nice post you got there and you're right about being an early bird.
2 aprile 2019