Raciel Hernández 💫
Insegnante professionista
Funny Phrases in Spanish (Mexican Expressions)
If you are studying Spanish, you must know about slang, as it will help you understand the language that is spoken by native Spanish speakers every day.
These types of words are often not mentioned by grammar books, but you can’t omit them from your learning if you want to talk to Mexicans, Cubans, etc.

Pa’ su mecha
It is a euphemism for another expression that is rude or vulgar that expresses surprise.

¡Pa’ su mecha! Voy a llegar tarde al trabajo
Incredible! I’m going to be late for work

It is also an phrase of surprise, admiration or anger.


¡Chale! No me gusto la comida
You’re kidding! I didn’t like the food

Bonita Chingadera
It is used to express disappointment, anger or deception. It is a phrase you can only use with your friends.


La película que vimos es realmente mala. ¡Bonita Chingadera!
The movie we saw is really bad. WTF?

Caer Gordo
It’s an expression you can use when a person you don’t like is not nice or has a bad attitude.


El novio de mi hermana me cae gordo
I don’t like my sister’s boyfriend

Comer Ansias
It’s worrying too much about something.


No comas ansias, llegaremos a tiempo.
Don’t worry, we’ll get there in time.

Dame la desa/ pásame la desa
It’s an phrase to ask for something, but you don’t remember the name.


Por favor, me pasas la desa
Pass me that thing I don’t remember his name.

Dar el avión
It’s an expression people use when they want to ignore someone.


Siento que mi jefe me da el avión todo el tiempo
I feel like my boss is ignoring me all the time

Dar el gatazo
It is an expression used to say that it is something new when in fact it is something old or outdated.


Limpie mi televisión. Al menos da el gatazo.
I cleaned my TV. Looks like new.

Dar un aventón
It’s taking someone else in his car without charging him.


¡Hola Marco! Voy para el centro comercial. ¿Me das un aventón?
Hey, Marco! I’m going to the mall. Can I get a ride?

De plano
It’s an expression you can use when to say that there is no doubt about a situation.


De plano, no quiero ir de vacaciones con tus amigos.
I’m sure I don’t want to go on vacation with your friends.

De volada
It’s to do a quick task without delay, to do something urgently.


Quiero ir por los niños a mi casa de volada.
I want to pick up the kids at my house quickly.

It’s a joke, that someone doesn’t mean it.


Mario, de pura guasa, le contó a su papá que su amigo se había casado
Mario, as a joke, told his dad he was getting married.

Está cañón
It is a euphemism for a rude or vulgar phrase and means that it is something difficult to do or that someone is very good at doing something.


¡El examen estuvo cañon!
The exam was hard!

El todas mías
People in Mexico use this phrase to say that a man is a womanizer.


Es señor se cree el todas mías
That man thinks he’s a womanizer

Hacer o poner changuitos
It means keeping your fingers crossed for luck on something you’re thinking about.


Voy a hacer changuitos para que mi mamá encuentre un hombre que la quiera después de que se divorció de mi papá.
I’m gonna keep my fingers crossed that my mom will find a man who loves her after she divorced my dad.

Hacerse bolas
It’s when someone gets confused by saying something. It is also valid to say this expression when someone counts objects or money and gets confused.


No te hagas bolas, es sencillo hablar español.
Don’t be confused, it’s easy to learn Spanish.

Hacerse pato
It’s when a person resists doing something or pretends not to know about a subject.


No te hagas pato, debes cooperar con dinero para la fiesta del próximo fin de semana.
Don’t act like you don’t know what’s up. You must help for the party next weekend.

Ir a chambear
“Chambear” means in english work in mexican spanish, so “ir a chambear” is said when a person goes out to work.


Salgo a trabajar todos los días a las 7pm
I leave for work every day at 7pm

Luego, luego
It means immediately or right away.


Si yo tuviera el dinero, le pagaría luego, luego.
If I had the money, I’d pay him right away.

¿Qué onda?
It’s the same as saying, “How are you? How have you been? in english.


¿Qué onda?
Yo estoy bien, gracias. ¿Y tú?
¿What’s up?
I’m good, thanks. And you?

Me chulearon
You can use this phrase to compliment someone.


Mis amigos me chulearon mis zapatos.
My friends complimented my shoes

¿Qué pedo?
It’s a bad word and should only be used with a friend. People use it when they are angry (What is your problem? ) with someone or a friend (What’s up?).


¡Qué pedo! ¿Cómo has estado?
¿What’s up? ¿How have you been?

Taken from <em>Blania </em><a href="https://www.blania.co/31-funny-phrases-in-spanish/" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">https://www.blania.co/31-funny-phrases-in-spanish/</a>;

1 giu 2020 22:01
Commenti · 1
Pero Raciel , esto no es Spanish es Mexicano ... igual bueno saber todos estos dichos , estan muy graciosos. De todos modos a los amiguitos en sus casas les diria no intenten usar estos dichos fuera de mexico , algunos pueden malinterpretarse o no significar nada.

Te mando un saludo amigo
1 giugno 2020