what's the meaning of 'go down 'here

"Anyway,they want me to go down to this sonogram thing with them tomorrow'
what's the meaning of 'go down 'here?

1 ago 2014 13:52
Commenti · 2

In this context "go down" is "go down to" or "go to" or "attend".  For example;

Anyway, they want me to attend this sonogram thing with them tomorrow.

Here "thing" is not necessary but is sometimes used in casual spoken English.

1 agosto 2014

You should be quite careful with this phrase, as one of it's meanings is of a suggestive nature, in another context, the phrase "to go down" ( you might hear that quite often in hip hop/Rap songs), could refer to oral sex, for example: " she went down on me last night in the car", i would personally recommend non - native English speakers, to avoid using slang words and phrases as much as possible.

1 agosto 2014