Musical Avengers Assemble!

After reading so many negative comments in the Youtube comments section and in other sources like humour sites and after hearing many statements of people in real life related to the mainstream music I became aware that there's so much hate towards teen pop artists and other pop singers and basically towards the whole mainstream scenery.

The beauty of something is not measurable. That's why Beauty and its contrary are not objective values and no one is able to identify which things are really beautiful or bad.

From a human point of view beauty doesn't actually exist.


The only indisputable thing is the emotion that tells you "You like this" but people seem to forget that to like something doesn't make that thing good and viceversa.

It just means that you like it. Period.


To say "This artist sucks(because I don't like it)" makes no sense.



Why all the hate?


1. People get so much pissed off because of those people who like things they don't. They(the haters) find nonsensical reasons to justify the absence of desire for listening to mainstream artists, reasons such as "Justin Bieber is mainstream, he's pop, he's for kids, he sucks."


2. People don't like to listen to artists younger than them. I've read a study who discovered that singers are attracting just as politics and social leaders. That's why the catchiest songs are sung by male singers. Male are culturally seen as the leaders(I don't know if it's a trait obtained with evolution or just something males dictated arbitrary, in either cases it's true that leaders are usually male).

But the haters don't want to listen or get "attracted" to someone younger than them. It hurts the Ego who goes like "I'm older, I shouldn't listen(get attracted) to someone younger(more naive) than me.(People value intelligence in terms of age, the higher the better)


3. People get identified with this thought "I have musical taste and I know what's good, I don't like One Direction, then that means One Direction sucks". This virtuoso logical performance leads them to wear the armour of Musical Avengers. The favourite battle field is the Youtube comments section. Watch out, they'll try to convince you that what they don't like should be avoided.


4. Identified with the self-made belief "I have musical taste..." the haters can't understand why the artists they love don't get the success and the popolarity of those they attack. "If the majority of people don't like what I listen to, could it mean that I don't have musical
taste? And if the artists I don't like get so much attention from so many people, could it mean the same thing?"

The Ego(I have musical taste, I am smart...) is threatened by a painful doubt that suggests a impoverishment of the self-created identity, a rather painful doubt.

They solve this cognitive dissonance(The things I like are necessarily good but not everybody like them, how can it be possible?) with this irrational justification. "The majority of people are stupid, I'm not".


5 It could also be that from a hater perspective the imbalance of popolarity in favour of those mainstream pop artists could wrongly make him/her think that his favourite but less popular artists could vanish, something rather improbable, making the hater blame the mainstream artists.

The hater then find comfort in the chorus of hate and he attacks, together with a multitude of hater clones, mainstream artists uncounsciolsy thinking that his aggression, aided
by others haters, could make change the music industry mind so that it will bring "justice" to "better" but less popular artists.

Having said all this it's probably true that some haters actually like mainstream songs but they are too afraid to get burned by the same fire of hate they contributed to ignite.


As for me, Pop is not my favourite genre so... Nope! Haha I'm not biased!


21 ago 2014 12:23