What kind of learner are you?

1. Visual learners
If you use the visual style, you prefer using images, pictures, colors, and maps to organize information and communicate with others. You can easily visualize objects, plans and outcomes in your mind's eye. You also have a good spatial sense, which gives you a good sense of direction. You can easily find your way around using maps, and you rarely get lost. When you walk out of an elevator, you instinctively know which way to return!
2. auditory learners
If you use the aural style, you like to work with sound and music. You have a good sense of pitch and rhythm. You typically can sing, play a musical instrument, or identify the sounds of different instruments. Certain music invokes strong emotions. You notice the music playing in the background of movies, TV shows and other media. You often find yourself humming or tapping a song or jingle, or a theme or jingle pops into your head without prompting.
3. kinesthetic learners
If the physical style is more like you, it's likely that you use your body and sense of touch to learn about the world around you. It's likely you like sports and exercise, and other physical activities such as gardening or woodworking. You like to think out issues, ideas and problems while you exercise. You would rather go for a run or walk if something is bothering you, rather than sitting at home.You are more sensitive to the physical world around you. You notice and appreciate textures, for example in clothes or furniture. You like 'getting your hands dirty,' or making models, or working out jigsaws.You typically use larger hand gestures and other body language to communicate. You probably don't mind getting up and dancing either, at least when the time is..

7 mag 2015 05:20
Commenti · 2

kinesthetic learners i think. i'm always studying with do something like walking, running, andd eating haha

7 maggio 2015

I am mostly like an auditory learner. ^__^ 

7 maggio 2015