an idiom " A teste of your own medicine. "

About the meaning of an idiom, " A teste of your own medicine. "

The original is " But when it comes to life's bitter pills . . . The hardest to swallow is a taste of your own medicine. "

What does that mean?

And have a nice weekend.

30 mag 2015 15:18
Commenti · 8

If you do something bad to other people, and then somebody does this bad thing to you, you are having "a taste of your own medicine".

It's not necessarily something REALLY bad. For example, if you usually are bossy and give orders to everybody, when somebody give orders to you, you have "a taste of your own medicine".

30 maggio 2015

Just in case you are interested teste is both colloquial slang term as well as a word used for a human body part. One letter can make a big difference. 


Here's the urban dictionary's definition. The urban dictionary is a good resource for English slang. It's not definitive nor to be taken too seriously, but can be really useful to an ESL student.

31 maggio 2015

Elena, that was very well stated in English! Very impressive. 


Addison, Elena's explanation is perfect so I don't need to say anything about that. I just want to make sure that you realize that it is a tAste of your own medicine and not a teste of your own medicine and that the testes were just typos. Teste is another thing entirely. 

30 maggio 2015

The hardest to swallow is a taste of your own medicine. "


Self is the toughest enemy to confront (my rephrasing)


2 agosto 2015

Could I use this in the following situation? I have given some 'wise' advice to someone, but now I have to follow my own advice.

I said to him 'You should practice more.', but it turned out that my results were bad too.


31 maggio 2015
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