Tutor Girl
Lullaby of Roxelana

I am looking for someone who is able to translate this entire lullaby... I kind of understand a little of it... about birds and feeding a baby in cradle. I think it is Ukrainian, but it has some Old Slavonic.

It comes from a Turkish drama series about the Renaissance Ottoman Sultan, Suleiman the Magnificent. The women was his wife (the only legal wife of an Ottoman Sultan ever) and a Ruthenian (now from Ukrainian region) names Aleksandra Lisowska (she was renamed Hurrem Sultan when she became the Sultan's favorite). Slavic people may know her as the infamous Roxelana. Anyway, we are discussing this series in one of my history groups and I can't completely translate this. Can anyone help?

https://youtu.be/EMPAnqYQHmo ;

18 giu 2015 06:27
Commenti · 9

You are welcome! c:

This is a Ukrainian lullaby. There are just many diminutive words and colloquialisms in the song.

I watched the film "Roxolana" with Olga Sumska. And my History teacher watched all the series of "Roxolana" :D She loves to talk about it on the lessons, so I know almost everything about this film :D

18 giugno 2015

Lyuli, lyuli, lyuli,
Naletili huli,
Naletili huli,
Ta y sily na lyuli.

Staly dumaty y hadaty,
Chym dytyatko hoduvatʹ:
Chy kashkoyu, chy medkom,
Chy solodkym molochkom.

Kolysochka ne skrypytʹ,
A dytynka spytʹ, spytʹ,
Kolysochka lyuli-lyulya,
A dytynochka zasnula.

Viter v pichtsi NE hude,
Bo dytynka spaty bude,
Ptashka v sadu ne spivaye,
Bo dytynka spaty lyahaye ...

Holubka NE vorkuye,
Bo dytynochka pochuye,
Holubochok NE vorkoche,
Bo dytynka spaty khoche ...

Kotyk spytʹ na pichtsi,
A dytynka - v kolistsi,
Ptashka - v sadi u kubelʹtsi,
A dytynka - na postelʹtsi.

Konyk - v stayni na sintsi,
A dytynka - v kolistsi,
Pesyk - v budtsi na motuztsi,
A dytynka - na podushtsi.

Zhabka spytʹ bilya vodychky,
Lysen - bilya lysychky,
KOSHENYATKO - bilya kytsi,
A dytynka - bilya tsitsi.

Lyuli, lyuli, lyulechky,
Naletili Hulechka,
Naletili Hulechka,
Ta y sily na lyulechky ...


It is Ukrainian language.

12 luglio 2015

Ой люлі, люлі,

Oh, luli-luli (don't know how that would be in English, but these are kind of traditional words we say when we sing a lullaby to a child),
Налетіли гулі, налетіли гулі,

Little doves arrived, little doves arrived
Та й сіли на люлі.

And sat on the cradle.
Стали думать і гадать,

Began to think and guess,
Чим дитятко годувать:

With what to feed a little baby:
Чи бублечком, чи медком,

Maybe with bagel or honey,
Чи солодким молочком...

Or with sweet milk...

Ми бублечка купим,

We will buy a bagel,
А й медочок влупим,

And will bring some honey,
А й кашки наварим

And will cook some porridge,
Та й молочка спарим.

And will heat up some milk.
Колисочка рип-рип,

Cradle is creaking (rocking),
А дитинка спить спить.

And the baby is sleeping.
Колисочка перестала,

Cradle stopped,
А дитиночка й устала.

And the baby get tired.

18 giugno 2015

Did you find an English translation?

12 luglio 2015
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