First notebook entry: Introducing myself I am half Croatian and Slovenian and am looking to improve my ethnic values and language of both. Where I'm from, there is a strong Croatian community and I would like to feel more a part of it, but I've been born and raised an American. I'm more than willing to help with some English too! :)
28 dic 2011 02:21
Correzioni · 2

Ok, first of all...Welcome to Italki and nice to meet you.

My suggestion: Try to introduce yourself in Croatian so you can practice your writing skills and so we can correct you.  

If you want, I can help you with your Croatian. 

Let me know if you have any questions.

Have a nice day. 

10 ottobre 2015
Bok :) Ako želiš, ja ti mogu pomoć s hrvatskim, Izvorni sam govornik i ne bi trebalo biti većih problema. Engleski znam poprilično dobro, ali malo pomoći uvijek dobro dođe, pogotovo s upravim i neupravnim govorom. Koliko dugo učih hrvatski? Znaš li osnove ili želiš da počnemo od početka? Pozdrav, Žad Hey! If you want, I will gladly help you with your Croatian. I am a native speaker, so there should be no problem. I do know English pretty well, but I can always use some help, especially with (in)direct speech. How long did you study Croatian? Do you know something, or should we start from the very beginning? Cheers, Žad
6 gennaio 2012
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