Holy week in Colombia!! Today is 'Holy thursday' in my country, people stop working and studying because It's Holy week. These days people visit the church and take a rest in their houses. during Holy week is a tradition to make fruit's candy such as, papaya's candy, pineapple's candy, coconut's candy, mango's candy; among others. These candies are serverd with cookies and are shared with the neighbors.
17 apr 2014 19:45
Correzioni · 4

<em>Holy week in Colombia!!</em>

<em>Today is 'Holy thursday' in my country, people stop working and studying because It's Holy week. </em>
<em>These days people visit the church and take a rest in their houses. during Holy week it is a tradition to make fruit candy such as: papaya candy, pineapple candy, coconut candy, and mango candy, among others. </em>
<em>These candies are served with cookies and are shared with the neighbors.</em>


Note: good :)

20 aprile 2014

Holy week in Colombia!!

Today is 'Holy thursday' in my country, people stop working and studying because it's Holy week.
This week people visit the church and relax in their homes. During Holy week it is a tradition to make fruit candies such as, "Papaya's candy, pineapple's candy, coconut's candy, mango's candy," among others. These candies are serverd with cookies and are shared with the neighbors.


Very good english, Not many errors.

17 aprile 2014
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