Expert Die Today , an epidemiology expert who devote whole life to our university died. He once refused to many lure , insisting in teaching in our school. I admire and respect his spirit.
19 apr 2014 04:53
Correzioni · 1

Expert Die

Today , an epidemiology expert who devote whole life to our university died. He once refused to many lure , insisting in teaching in our school. I admire and respect his spirit.


An Expert Dies

Today , an epidemiology expert who devoted his whole life to our university died. He once refused to many attempts to lure him away , insisting in teaching in our school. I admire and respect his spirit.




Your title - Expert Die.   I have  made a simple change to make it compliant with English writing. However, the simple change still sounds unusual. Perhaps "An obituary for an expert" or "Our expert dies".

The latter script sounds more like what you might be aiming for -- later on in your text, you talk about his devotion to our university.


This sentence part "He once refused to many lure" sounds incomplete to me, so I have amended it to a more conventional form. Once does not fit in, once means a single refusal in this context, but you talk about "to many lure"


I am sad that your expert has died.


19 aprile 2014
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