Both companies and tour operators should pay for the pollution clean. There is no doubt that who should pay for the pollution clean have became a huge problem. Many argue that companies and tour operatours should be the only payers. Infact, I believe that solving the problem is likely to need both individuals and government. In order to developed the economic, a number of companies and tour operaters overused the natural resoures and polluted the environment. They should pay for their behaviors and cleaning up the pollution which they made. These are their responsibility and duty. Fathermore, it will be a useful way for individuals to reduce their produce of pollution and remind they to potect the environment. Nevertheless, if the companies and tour operators were asked to pay all the bills for cleaning up pollution, the high cost of clean will break the industry, which bad for the local economy. And it will be terriblely hard to persuade all the companies to do the payment. Therefore, government, which was received a great of individuals' taxes, should deal the environment problems and pay a part of the pollution clean. So I maintain the notion that the bills of pollution clean should be supported by both companiers and government. In conclusion, this way sounds like a utopia, but it is not: it a balance state for today's society, and it is benefit both economy and environment.
23 lug 2014 09:27