Today I have learned about italki. As the title says, I've found out about italki recently this morning while I was browsing what is the best tool to learn a language and most of the reviews I've read italki is one of the most recommended, so I gave it a look, and it is nothing but amazing for having wide range of choices on learning a language, be it paying someone or just having a conversation with the other person on the other part of the world. Since nothing beats the best way of learning a language, which is talking with someone who is a native speaker of the language you want to learn, italki just do the complete same thing. It doesn't put you to a talking machine which is sometimes doesn't give you the accuracy and fluency you want to achieve for yourself. I hope this is the key to learning the language I want.
31 ago 2014 08:05
Correzioni · 3
18 ottobre 2014

Today I have learned about italki.

As the title says, I've found out about italki recently this morning while I was browsing what is for the best tool to learn a language. and In most of the reviews I've read italki is one of the most recommended, so I gave it a look, and it is nothing but amazing for having wide range of choices on learning a language, be it paying someone or just having a conversation with the another person on the in another part of the world. Since nothing beats the best way of learning a language, which is talking with to someone who is a native speaker of the language you want to learn, italki just do does the complete exact same thing. It doesn't put place you to with a talking machine which is sometimes doesn't give you the accuracy and fluency that you want to achieve for yourself. I hope that this is the key to learning my preferred the language I want.

31 agosto 2014

Today I have learned about italki [It would sound more natural to say "Today I discovered italki"].

As the title says, I've found out about recently discovered italki recently this morning while I was browsing what is for the best tool to learn a language and in most of the reviews I've read, italki is one of the most recommended. So, I gave it a look, and it is nothing but short of amazing for having with the widest range of choices on for learning a language; be it paying someone or just having a conversation with the other another person on the other part side of the world.

Since nothing beats the best way of to learning a language, which is talking with someone who is a native speaker of the language you want to learn, italki is just doing the complete exact same thing. It doesn't put force you to a talking to a machine, which is sometimes doesn't give you the accuracy and fluency you want to achieve for yourself. I hope this is the key to learning the language I want to learn.

31 agosto 2014
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