Endless materialism and its effects l am often told that statistically Japan has the lowest criminality. This may be true when police and governments do not report all the cases they are suppose to file and statistics do not include the killing of 160000 stray animals per year. l wonder towards which direction humanity is heading when people are teaching children to focus more on their outer looks than the true value of life and when adults endlessly show wrong examples by telling that you are superior to others and life will be a more happier one if you accumulate possessions without ever thinking about the fact that desires know no end. We live in the modern age with lots of facilities and conveniences but see more and more horrifying news like the head of marine beating up youngsters and making him commit suicide, policemen committing sexual harassment, successful leading figures in scientific organizations committing suicide, children killing parents or classmates. Naturally the world is not filled only with these disastrous incidents yet the more l follow the news the more insane the world is turning into. Yet it does not mean that a small individual cannot make a difference. Start small, live responsible for yourself and for your community. Statistically one out of four children live below average condition. This is a tragic fact for a developed country like Japan. Recently l declined my application for a job at a known language school for children which prohibited employees to volunteer as a teacher. This restriction made me furious since this school's policy explain that the workers are the same as animals: the weak ones die, the strong ones survive. lt is a horrendous idea and belief that only those who have money should have the chance to receive education and such institution is prospering. The leaders of such institutes are not wise enough to realize, that what goes around comes around. Economy is like the blood and human body. Unless it circulates equally and everywhere, there will always be problems somewhere in some ways. How egotistic humans can be and all this due to ignorance, while we expect to become a country filled with elderly people and birthrates already dropping down drastically, elites are ignoring the less fortunate children. lt is time that communities gather knowledge and cooperate to give equal opportunity to each and every children regardless of their financial situation they live in.
1 set 2014 15:24