Cristiane Fernandes
Immigacion in the US and China This article is about the migration in two bigger countries in the world. This said the difference about US and China. US recept more immigrantes, it's historic, but doesn't prepared to recept the immigration. In China, there are diferrent characteristic, they have migration inside the countrie, and they have more structure to immigration, and they lern with the experience of the emmigrante when they return to the country.
29 set 2014 16:11
Correzioni · 1

Immigration in the US and China

This article is about the migration in two big countries in the world. It talks about the difference between US and China. The US receives more immigrants, it's historic, but it isn't prepared to receive the immigration. In China, there are different characteristics, they have migration inside the country, and they have more structure to immigration, and they learn with the experience of the immigrants when they return to the country.

24 ottobre 2014
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