self presentation मेरा नाम वरवारा । मैं निश्ह्न्य नोव्गोरोद रहती हूँ । मेरा बेता है । मैं शिक्षिका हूँ।
2 ott 2014 01:59
Correzioni · 4

self presentation

मेरा नाम वरवारा है । मैं निश्ह्न्य नोव्गोरोद में रहती हूँ । मेरा एक बेता भी है । मैं एक शिक्षिका हूँ।

Words in third and fourth sentences are added to maintain continuity and thought flow.

3 ottobre 2014

self presentation

मेरा नाम वरवारा । मैं निश्ह्न्य नोव्गोरोद रहती हूँ । मेरा बेता है । मैं शिक्षिका हूँ।

Hi there,

Following are the amendments to your sentences.
मेरा नाम बारबरा है| Your name is Barbara, yeah?
में ऐशानी बेलारुस मे रहति हूँ|  -- In this sentence it was not clear what you meant by 'निश्ह्न्य नोव्गोरोद'. The word 'निश्ह्न्य' sounds similar to north-east and also is contextual to the place of living. So I've assumed that you meant the north-east of Belarus. Let me know otherwise, I'll emend it.
मेरा एक बेटा भी है|
मैं एक शिक्षिका हूँ।

Hope it was helpful.
All the best!

11 febbraio 2015
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