蒙學漢文初階 第一百二十八課 Beginning Chinese - Entry Level Lesson #128 騾負鹽包 mule bear salt bag 渡河蹄略蹲 cross river hoof slightly crouched/squat 鹽化水 salt change water 量遂輕顧 weight follow light consider 騾述其故 mule relate it reason 騾負羊皮包 mule bear sheep skin bag 放之 let_go it 量加倍 weight increase a_fold 騾自嘆曰 mule self lamented said 不自量已 not self capacity because 襲他長徒 inherit others long bad_person 自苦耳 self sorrow that_is_all A mule was bearing a load of salt. While crossing, it slipped slightly and the salt dissolved and therefore the load became lighter. The mule deduced that it must be because of the slip that caused this. The next time when it carried a load of sheep's skin, it followed its previous logic. The load increased a fold. The mule lamented to itself, "I had overrated myself. I had to suffer and endure this hardship!" Notes: 1. I translated this by meaning rather than directly for it would be a very awkward translation. 2. 自量 in combination means "overrate one's ability and strength" 3. 長徒 in combination means "forced/long labour" an ancient punishment. For example, conscripted labour at the Great Wall.
21 ott 2014 21:24
Correzioni · 3

蒙學漢文初階 第一百二十八課 Beginning Chinese - Entry Level Lesson #128

騾負鹽包 mule bear salt bag
渡河蹄略蹲 cross river hoof slightly crouched/squat
鹽化水 salt change water
量遂輕顧 weight follow light consider
騾述其故 mule relate it reason
騾負羊皮包 mule bear sheep skin bag
放之 let_go it
量加倍 weight increase a_fold double
騾自嘆曰 mule self lamented said
不自量已 not self capacity because
襲他長徒 inherit others long bad_person
自苦耳 self sorrow that_is_all

襲他長 inherit others strength

徒自苦耳 having_nothing (but) sorrow that_is_all

A mule was bearing a load of salt. While crossing, it slipped slightly and the salt dissolved and therefore the load became lighter. The mule deduced that it must be because of the slip that caused this. The next time when it carried a load of sheep's skin, it followed its previous logic. The load increased a fold double. The mule lamented to itself,
"I had overrated myself. I had to suffer and endure this hardship!"

"Imitating another strength, only make ourself suffered" 


1. I translated this by meaning rather than directly for it would be a very awkward translation.

2. 自量 in combination means "overrate one's ability and strength"

3. 長徒 in combination means "forced/long labour" an ancient punishment. For example, conscripted labour at the Great Wall.

(You should seperate 長徒 as it's not a phrase here, and i believe someone placed a wrong break on the passage '襲他長徒自苦耳' )

i consider the original meaning of '徒' is 'having nothing', so it derived labour as who is always poor.

Another example,  '徒步' has a clear meaning that 'to move with you foots (means to walk)' other than 'to move by a carriage'.   :-)



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