Dogs are human's friend I promised to my children we will breed a dog when we move to a new house. My son always stopped playing with friends and to go to play with dogs when he was in our community. He likes a yellow hair and tall girl dog. My daughter likes a boy poodle, because her best friend has 2 curve-hair dogs, she is jealousy her friend very much. I agreed them to breed a dog but I didn’t think they have their different idea, I promised to them in a no-prescient situation(在没有预知他们有不同要求的时候我就答应了他们。). Is it meaning we will have 2 dogs? No, my husband and I think 2 dogs are too mussy. I am regret I promised them too hurry that I didn’t ask them the details. Now, I am thinking how to adjust and fix their demands in one dog.(现在我在想如何让孩子们调整调整想法,一条狗狗就能够满足他们) Hahaha… I knew from my friend that dogs can’t buy them from animal store in Albuquerque, I can get dogs from the pound, a dog breeder or a friend. There are lots of animal store and animal dressing up oddly in Beijing. Sellers dress them up with dazzled cloth even pigtail to cater buyers. When I was a little girl, we lived in farm (农村) and our dog was locked at tree in the central of yard. A hot pastry or a egg was a delicious for a dog at that time. It was our happy time when my older brother holding the dog’s chain running around our village and I followed. We left our dog, and it was lived with my grandmother,(我们把我们的狗留下和我奶奶一起生活) when we reunited with my father in small city and since then I have never bred dogs. We will have a dog, my children will like it, and I will learn how to live with it. We will spend happy times. There is a photo with 2 girls and 2 dogs below which took in the home of my gaughter's best friend.
23 ott 2014 12:47
Correzioni · 3

Dogs are human's friend

I promised to my children that we will breed get a dog when we move to a new house. My son always stopped stops playing with friends and to goes to play with dogs when he was is out in our community. He likes would like a yellow hair and tall girl large female/girl dog with yellow fur. My daughter likes would like a male/boy poodle, because her best friend has 2 curve-hair curly-haired dogs, and she is jealousy very jealous of her friend. very much. I agreed them to breed that I would let them get a dog, but I didn’t think they would have their different ideas about what type of dog they want. I promised to them before I knew the true situation (I made this promise to them before I realized the difficulties.) in a no-prescient situation(在没有预知他们有不同要求的时候我就答应了他们。). Is it Does that meaning mean we will have 2 dogs? No, my husband and I think 2 dogs are too messy. I am regret that I made this promise to them in a hurry, and that I didn’t ask them the details. Now, I am thinking about how to adjust and fix their demands in so that they'll be happy with only one dog. (现在我在想如何让孩子们调整调整想法,一条狗狗就能够满足他们) Hahaha…

I knew from my friend that dogs can’t buy them be bought from animal a pet store in Albuquerque, but that I can get dogs from the pound, a dog breeder or a friend. There are lots of animal stores and oddly-dressed animals dressing up oddly in Beijing. Sellers dress them up with dazzled cloth dazzling clothes, and even pigtails, to cater to buyers. When I was a little girl, we lived in on a farm (or "in the countryside" 农村) and our dog was locked at tied to a tree in the central center of the yard. A hot pastry or an egg was a delicious treat for a dog at that time. It was our happy time when my older brother holding would hold the dog’s chain leash and run running around our village, and I would follow. followed. We left our dog, and it was lived with my grandmother,(我们把我们的狗留下和我奶奶一起生活) when we reunited with my father in small city, and since then I have never bred had dogs.

We will have a dog, my children will like it, and I will learn how to live with it. We will spend happy times.

There Below is a photo with 2 girls and 2 dogs, below which took was taken in the home of my daughter's best friend.


在英文里面,breed a dog 有 "交配繁殖" (to have sex and produce young) 的意思。What you mean is just to have or get a dog.

"I promised my kids we'd get a dog when we arrive in Albuquerque."

"My family has one dog, a Welsh terrier named Peter."

23 ottobre 2014
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