“Is it an Angel or a Demon?” “Let her go!” A deep voice echoed in the church. The Opus Dei follower, the man wearing the ring with the symbol of the religious congregation, lifted his head. A strong light blinded him. Colorful flashes danced in front of his eyes like a rainbow. Their magnificent play of colors obscure every other object around him. He protected his eyes with a hand and looked at the Gothic window where a winged figure loomed behind it. “An angel?” The priest Alfonso Taylor exclaimed. The Opus Dei follower’s henchmen knelt before him. “What the fuck are you doing? Shout, idiots!” The man with the ring ordered by moving the gun from Nika to the Gothic window but before he could shoot the glass shuttered into thousand splinters. A death rattle, then a dull thud … the priest Alfonso Taylor lay on the floor with a piece of glass in his neck. The man with the Opus Dei ring shoot towards the strong light, but because of it he couldn’t hit the target. The bright figure glided on the floor shaking the altar. “Let her go!” The deep voice ordered again. “First let me see your face skuzzy servant of the Templars!” The man with the ring replied, pointing his gun to Nika’s head. The light dimmed and Mama’s features became visible. “Are you right? Isaac Tutuola?” “Doesn’t matter my name! Let the woman free and I will spare your life”. Mama promised, while the persecutor made Nika’s body a shield. “Who sent you? Satan?” “Did you think this?” Mama answered, hearing footsteps running toward him.
21 dic 2014 18:48
Correzioni · 6

The man one with the Opus Dei ring shoot towards the strong bright lightThe intensity of the light made him lost his aim. , but because of it he couldn’t hit the target. The bright figure glided on towards the floor shaking rattling the altar. 

“Let her go!”


The deep voice ordered resonated with a commanding force. again.

First let me see Show your skuzz face! skuzzy Servant of the Templars!”


The man with the ring replied, threatened; now pointing his gun to Nika’s head.

The light dimmed and Mama’s features became visible.

“Are you all right? Isaac Tutuola?I assume this is Nikka.  However, she was drugged in the previous chapter.  So she cannot really recognize Isaac.  So it is better to changed to the guy with the ring asking the questions.


"Who are you?"


Doesn’t matter My name matters not! Let the woman free go and I will spare your life will be spared!

Mama promised, while the persecutor made Nika’s body a shield. The man with the ring was not sure but he held Nika's body firmly as a body shield.


“Who sent you? Satan?” 

Did you think this What do you think?”


Mama answered, hearing heard footsteps running toward him.

22 dicembre 2014

“Is it an Angel or a Demon?

“Let her go!”

A deep voice echoed in the church.


The An Opus Dei follower, the man wearing the ring with the symbol of the religious congregation, lifted his head. A strong light blinded him. Colorful flashes danced shimmering in front of his eyes like a rainbow. Their The magnificent play of colors obscured every other object around him. He protected his eyes with a his hand. and He looked at the Gothic window where stain glass a winged figure looming behind it.

“An angel?” The priest


Alfonso Taylor, the priest questioned exclaimed.

The Opus Dei follower’s henchmen of the Opus Dei knelt before him.


What the fuck are you doing? Shoot!, Don't stand there like idiots!”


The man with the ring ordered. by moving the gun from The gun changed direction from pointing at Nika to the stain glass. Gothic window but Before he could shoot the shot could be fired, the glass shattered into  thousand smithereens  splinters. A with a deathly rattle. Then a dull thud... The priest Alfonso Taylor lay laid on the floor; dead as a doornail; with a piece of glass stuck in his neck. 

22 dicembre 2014
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