Keeping learning Good evening everyone. I am Asha. I've been learning English for a year and a month. I am in twenties. I am not conservative and I am always in a good mood. sometimes I am blue but it won't keep for long. I like reading, I used to read Chinese novels because I could not understand English words. but now I often read English novels in order to make progress. I can keep try to say something I might get wrong. The only thing that I fear is when I hear some of my partners say they are quitting learning English. I know it is hard to keep on doing something. I am sure that you'll find something that appeals to you in learning English though it might bother you sometimes. Thank you for your accompany all the way,my dear friends.
28 gen 2015 01:24
Correzioni · 13

Keeping learning

Good evening everyone. [1] I am Asha. I've been learning English for a year and a month. I am in my twenties. I am not conservative and I am always in a good mood. Sometimes I am [2] blue but it won't doesn't [3] keep for long. I like reading,. I used to read Chinese novels because I could not understand English words. But [4] now I often read English novels in order to make progress. I can keep trying to say something I might get wrong [5]. The only thing that I fear is when I hear some of my partners say they are quitting learning English. I know it is hard to keep on doing something. I am sure that you'll find something that appeals to you in learning English though it might bother you sometimes. Thank you for your accompany company [6] all the way, my dear friends.



[1] You can use a comma here.

"Good evening everyone, I am Asha."

The sentence would be more colloquial if you replace "I am" with "I'm".

"Good evening everyone, I'm Asha."


[2] Because you are describing an emotion, a better verb is 'feel'.

"Sometimes I feel blue."


[3] The word "won't" is a contract of "will not", and "will" is a future-tense word.  Here is an example of a correct sentence:

"In the future I will sometimes feel blue, but it won't last long."

Your sentence talks about your mood now, where the following tense is correct:

"I sometimes feel blue, but it doesn't last long."


[4] The first word in every sentence must have a capital letter (an upper-case letter).


[5] I understand the general meaning of this sentence.  However, it is a little unclear.


[6] The word 'accompany' is a verb.  For example:

"Thank you for accompanying me."

Because you used the word 'your', the next word needs to be a noun.  As examples:

"Thank you for your companying."

"Thank you for your friendship."



Your writing is very good.  Some of your sentences use perfect, natural English.  Great job!

28 gennaio 2015

Keeping On Learning!

Good evening everyone. I am Asha. I've have [Since your opening lines are formal] been learning English for a year and a month. I am in my twenties;. I am  not conservative that traditional and I am always in a good cheerful mood. Of course there are sometimes when I am blue sad but it won't keep never for long. I like reading, I and used to read Chinese novels more often because I could do [是不知而不是不会或不能] not understand know many English words. but However, all this has changed since I wanted to improve my English. now I often read English novels in order to make progress. I can keep try to say something I might get wrong When I speak English, there will be mistakes made but the. The only thing that I fear dread [dread = 預算到的怕而防備, fear =  精神上的怕 而不想嘗試其滋味] is when I hear some of my partners say that they are going to quitting learning English. I know it is hard to keep on doing something that is difficult. I am sure that you'll find something that appeals to you in learning English though it might bother you sometimes. 不明這句的意思, 大約你想說, "虽然学英文有些地方对你有趣, 不也有别的地方会烦扰你" 如果是这样的話, There will be things in the language that will interest and vex you.  Thank you my dear friends for your accompanying me in my English learning road all the way,my dear friends.

28 gennaio 2015

Keep learning

Good evening everyone.  I am Asha. I've been learning English for a year and a month.  I am in twenties.  I am not conservative and I am always in a good mood.  sometimes I am blue but it won't keepnever for long.  I like reading,I used to read Chinese novels because I could not understand English words., but now I often read English novels in order to make progress.  I can keep trying to say something I might get wrong.  The only thing that I fear is when I hear some of my partners say they are quitting learning English.  I know it is hard to keep on doing something.  I am sure that you'll find something that appeals to you in learning English though it might bother you sometimes.  Thank you for your accompany all the way, my dear friends.



<em>Very nice Asha..  It's a small thing but it makes the page look better if you have two spaces after the end of sentences.  Otherwise, it's great, and the other commenters made great suggestions already.  If like, you can make the sentence structure different -- I mean, try not to repeat your sentence style too often!  So instead of repeating "I am ..... I am...  I.....  I..... " , you can do it more like the great sentence you had, "The only thing that I fear ...."   Just change the structure and don't use "I am.. " so often.</em>


<em>That is hard, and something you can slowly work to improve.  Good luck :)</em>

28 gennaio 2015

Keep learning

Good evening everyone.  I am Asha. I've been learning English for a year and a month.  I am in my twenties.  I am not conservative and I am always in a good mood.  Sometimes I am feel a bit down, but never for too long.  I like reading; I used to read Chinese novels because I could not understand English words.  Now I often read English novels in order to make progress.  I like to keep trying to say things I might get wrong.  The only thing that I fear is when I hear some of my partners say they are quitting learning English.  I know it is hard to keep on doing something.  I am sure that you'll find something that appeals to you in learning English though it might bother you sometimes.  Thank you for your company all the way, my dear friends.


Very nice Asha!  Notice how you need two periods(full-stops) after sentences, and only one after commas.  In the future one thing you can do is make your sentences more different: different sentence structure and style will make the paragraph more natural and like a native speaker.  If you have any questions ask me and I can give you an example.  Keep it up!

28 gennaio 2015
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