BOBBY’S BIRTHDAY PPESENT1 Chapter 02 BOBBY’S BIRTHDAY PPESENT Lulu was very happy now, so she went to bed, when she woke up, she looked on the day list, then she found out that today was Bobby’s birthday, Lulu thought about what Bobby liked most, then Lulu decided that she would give Bobby a birthday present, then she went to the village bakery, and asked Mrs. Pie Crust to bake Bobby a picture cake, which means that the cake had a picture of Bobby on it, when she had finished getting the cake, she saw that there was no picture on it, because there was all out of icing, so Lulu rode on Elsa, then she went to the Mays cave, then she let Mama troll to get icing on the cake, she told Mama troll to get a picture of Bobby so it could be perfect once it was done, Bobby’s sister came, and told Lulu that the party was beginning to start, and that she was going to do a magic spell here, she said, “Magic comes, Magic near, make this cake better than before, and squeeze its magic, from within!” then poof! Bobby’s sister made Lulu, Sparky and Orson much smaller than the cake, Bobby’s little sister said, that it would wear off any second, “one, two, three, four, five……” poof! Lulu, Sparky and Orson were back to normal, once there were back to normal, Lulu thought that she would chop the birthday cake, into six equal pieces, then they all shared together, Lulu was having really fun at the party, she thought that she would have the same cake, frosting, on her birthday, so she said, “I would share this piece of cake to all of you, but, I must have the same cake at my ninth birthday I would also share my birthday cake with all of you……” “How could you have the same cake on your birthday, you should have a princess cake, because you’re a baby!” Said Bobby, “That isn’t polite, Lulu didn’t even finish her talking, then you are in a rush to say what you are going to say, and Lulu is not a baby!!” “Ha, ha.” Laughed Bobby, “You would have your punishment tomorrow; maybe we shouldn’t have bought you this cake.” “That is not polite!!!”
28 feb 2015 15:31