佛罗里达国际大学最有意思的10个地方 (The 10 Most Interesting Places in FIU) So there is a video project I have due Monday for my Chinese class and the content is expected to be entertaining/funny and with the use of correct grammar. I would greatly appreciate anyone willing to take the time to help translate my sentences into mandarin. 佛罗里达国际大学最有意思的10个地方 (The 10 Most Interesting Places in FIU) 大家好!我叫罗琳。今天,我将是你的指导,并采取您在视觉之旅的10个最有趣的地方在FIU参观。(Hello everyone! My name is Lynn. Today i will be your guide,and take you on a visual tour to the 10 most interesting places to visit in FIU.) (一)生活FIU不仅仅是上课。 (1. Life at FIU is more than just going to class. whenever you feel like taking a breath of fresh air from all the stress from exams, visit the nature trail. It's beautiful and serene.) (二) (2. You may also come visit the Patricia and Phillip Frost Art Museum.Here there are many beautiful paintings and sculptures done by amazing artists.) (三) Establish a spot with your friends and use it together as your study space (四) make sure to stop by "breezeway cafe" for your daily dosage of "crack cookies", and coffee of course, provided by the "Bustelos" dispenser。 You may also get a smoothie from the "Jamba juice" smoothie machine. (五) Included in your tuition, is your membership at FIUs gym. So might as well come workout here! And get yourself some Jamba Juice smoothie as I previously mentioned at Breezeway cafe. (六) Make sure to have an empty parking lot at your disposal during the weekend because you always need to work on your drifting in order to evade these Miami drivers. (七) Don't forget to go to the residence hall to go to the pool, and make sure to bring your FIU I.D. card. (八) There are usually very interesting lectures given at SIPA 125. You should definitely come give a listen on your spare time. (九) Make sure to always remember your childhood and come here to the arcade.Here you can play videogames with friends or other students, or shoot some pool. (十) Option 1: If you really want to improve your Chinese, come to the basketball court. Alot of Chinese students come here to play. Your Chinese language skills will skyrocket over a competitive game of bball. Option 2: Make sure to come to the basketball court because if you want to learn about Chinese culture, you have to learn about basketball first. It may soon be essential to sealing the deal in future business negotiations with your Chinese counterparts
25 apr 2015 20:28
Correzioni · 7

佛罗里达国际大学最有意思的10个地方 (The 10 Most Interesting Places in FIU)

So there is a video project I have due Monday for my Chinese class and the content is expected to be entertaining/funny and with the use of correct grammar. I would greatly appreciate anyone willing to take the time to help translate my sentences into mandarin.


This is suppose to be conversational in tone and so my usual writing/correction style will not apply here but to reflect the situation.  Speaking and writing are not the same.

佛罗里达国际大学最有意思的10个最有意思的地方 (The 10 Most Interesting Places in FIU)

大家好!我叫罗琳。今天,我是你的指导介紹你并采取您在视觉之旅的10个最有趣的地方在FIU参观十大最有趣的地方一会儿就帶你们去观光一下(Hello everyone! My name is Lynn. Today i will be your guide,and take you on a visual tour to the 10 most interesting places to visit in FIU.)

(1. Life at FIU is more than just going to class. whenever you feel like taking a breath of fresh air from all the stress from exams, visit the nature trail. It's beautiful and serene.)
FIU 的学生生活不只是上課而巳. 每当考期如果你觉得有什么压逼的时候, 你就可以在自然中的小道上走走, 呼吸一口新鮮的空气, 欣賞美丽而幽靜的景色.
(2. You may also come visit the Patricia and Phillip Frost Art Museum.Here there are many beautiful paintings and sculptures done by amazing artists.) 你也可以去 Patricia and Phillip Frost 艺术博物院走起, 那儿有很神出入化的美丽油画和雕刻


Establish a spot with your friends and use it together as your study space


make sure to stop by "breezeway cafe" for your daily dosage of "crack cookies", and coffee of course, provided by the "Bustelos" dispenser。 You may also get a smoothie from the "Jamba juice" smoothie machine.

不要錯过 "Breezeway Cafe" 日常的 "Crack Cookies"来治疗你的餅干癮. 当然也不能缺少那杯 Bustelos 自动机的咖啡! 如果不合意, 也可另选 Jamba 果汁的冰沙.

Included in your tuition, is your membership at FIUs gym. So might as well come workout here! And get yourself some Jamba Juice smoothie as I previously mentioned at Breezeway cafe.

学費中已经包括FIU建身所的会籍, 因此来来建身吧! 也不要忘记上面所说的Breezeway Cafe 冰沙作为陪伴

Make sure to have an empty parking lot at your disposal during the weekend because you always need to work on your drifting??? driving?  in order to evade these Miami drivers.

周末的时候, 你应该有个空泊車位, 要練习一下你的車駛技朮, 要防備这些乱疯疯的 Miami 开车人
Don't forget to go to the residence hall to go to the pool, and make sure to bring your FIU I.D. card.
也不要忘記宿舍的游泳池, 沒有 FIU 的身分証卡, 你就要游干水了!

There are usually very interesting lectures given at SIPA 125. You should definitely come give a listen on your spare time.

SIPA 125常有很有趣的演讲, 有空时必定来一来听听,包你不会失望的

Make sure to always remember your childhood and come here to the arcade.Here you can play videogames with friends or other students, or shoot some pool.

在遊戏場的时候, 也不要忘记帶你的童时回憶進来! 和朋友, 和其他的学生, 在一起开开心, 玩玩一些视频游戏, 或且打几回台球.


Option 1: 第一选择
If you really want to improve your Chinese, come to the basketball court. Alot of Chinese students come here to play. Your Chinese language skills will skyrocket over a competitive game of bball.

如果你想要你的中文有進步的话, 那就要去篮球场啊. 因為有很多自来中国的学生在这儿打篮球.  跟他们打一打, 你的中文就会一晚上就飞黄腾达了!

Option 2: 第二选择
Make sure to come to the basketball court because if you want to learn about Chinese culture, you have to learn about basketball first. It may soon be essential to sealing the deal in future business negotiations with your Chinese counterparts

去去篮球场是因为了你想想知晓中国文化, 你一定要学打篮球, 是跟將来事业談判有关, 知己知彼, 百戰不殆!

26 aprile 2015
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