Came back to Argentinian music roots Wen I was a child I remembered that I hate argentinian tipical music, becouse I thought its a music that old people listen. I use to live a small town called Pico Truncado, its a twon located in the Santa Crus state, inside the Patagonic region, on the south of Argentina. I remembered all my friends went to learn how to dance this kind of music and they knew a lot about this. But I was stilling hate. But two years ago I have been starting to use Groveshark, and online tool to listen music. So you know you have a lot of music to choose, and maybe when you started to use this kind of tool you listen the music that you like, but someday you think what stupid are because we have a lot of music, and why we listened the same music jaja. Well so I dicided to listened a guy called Raly Barrionuevo. Raly Barrionuevo is a guy from Argentina that is one of the new voice of tipical argentinian music (we called this kind of music "Folklore"). So I had been starting to love this kind of music. Maybe the new "package" that Raly give to us, change my point of view about Folklore. So last thursday I have been starting to learno how to play this kind of music into guitar. Its strange how one came back to the roots. I am feeling greet because now I can say I love this kind of music! And how about you? Do you love your roots music? Or you came back to your countries roots?
4 mag 2015 00:44
Correzioni · 6

It's difficult to correct all of your entry, explaining the reason for every correction, Maximo, because it is fairly long. I would say that you are on the right track; by that, I mean that the entry is understandable without too much trouble for the English reader. Here is perhaps how I would have written it.

How I Rediscovered my Argentinian Musical Heritage.


I remember that when I was a child I hated traditional Argentinian music, because it seemed to me something that only old people would listen to. I used to live in a small town called Pico Truncado in the State of Santa Cruz, inside the Patagonia region in the south of Argentina. I remember all my friends went to learn how to dance to this kind of music, and they knew a lot about it. But I still hated it.

But two years ago I started using Groveshank, an online tool for listening to music. So, you know, you have a lot of music to choose from. Maybe when you start to use this kind of tool you listen to the music that you already know and like, but after a while this strikes you as somewhat limited and you start to consider what else is available.

Well, I decided to listen to a guy called Raly Barrionuevo. Raly Barrionuevo is a guy from Argentina who is one of the new voices of traditional Argentinian music. In the old days we called this music traditional folk music. This new twist on the Argentinian musical roots is called revival folk music or contemporary folk music. Listening to this new expression of our musical heritage got me starting to change my views of all of our traditional music. It started with this new "package" by Raly Barrionuevo, and then I found that my interest in all the traditional folk music was kindled.

So, last Thursday I started to learn how to play this genre of music on the guitar. It's strange how one can be drawn back to one's roots. I am feeling great, because now I can say I love this kind of music.

And how about you? Did you always love your country's musical roots? Or did you get drawn back to them for one reason or another?


The main corrections are things like I remember (now) that when I was a child (then), I hated (then)

Last Thursday I started. Last year I lived etc. last year/last Thursday are OVER === use the preterit tense.

Hope this helps. Feel free to ask me any questions if anything isn't clear.



4 maggio 2015

Came back to Argentinian music roots

When I was a child I remembered that I hated argentinian tipical music, becouse I thought it was a music that old people listen. I use to live in a small town called Pico Truncado, its a town located in the Santa Cruz state, inside the Patagonic region, on the south of Argentina. I remembered all my friends went to learn how to dance this kind of music and they knew a lot about this. But I still hated.
But two years ago I started to use Groveshark, an online tool to listen music. So, you know you have a lot of music to choose, and maybe when you start to use this kind of tool you listen to the music that you like, but someday you think what stupid thing because we have a lot of music, and why do we listened the same music? haha. Well so I decided to listen to a guy called Raly Barrionuevo. Raly Barrionuevo is a guy from Argentina who is one of the new voice of tipical argentinian music (we called this kind of music "Folklore"). So I had been starting to love this kind of music. Maybe the new "package" that Raly give to us, change my point of view about Folklore.
So last thursday I have been starting to learn how to play this kind of music in my guitar. Its strange how one can came back to their roots. I am feeling greet because now I can say I love this kind of music!

And how about you? Do you love your country roots music? Or have you come back to your countries roots?

4 maggio 2015
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