about the neoclassic economics Why is the neoclassic economics the mainstrem economics? Why do many countries use the principles of only neoclassic economics? How do researches of economics prove that this theory is the best? The neoclassic economics can't forecast crisis in economy. I think that the neoclassic economics can't be used in our real life. I think I can explain my position. At first, the one of assumptions of the neoclassic economics is rational people. Why this theory think that people are rational, I dissagree with it. I think that not all people are rational, and it's wrong assumption. Not all people can forecast their desicion. They do in uncertainly situation. I think that the important role play such things as tradition, habits, sensebility. Secondly, why does the neoclassic economics consider that people have full infromation. I think that there is information asymmetry. And many researchers proved it. It's just not all I want to say. But now I have no much time to write all facts, but I wrote the most admissions that do me disagree with the neoclassic economics.
5 mag 2015 11:03