各种的工作 工作的类型很多。比如大夫,律师,工程师,程序员,外交官,翻译者,商人,农人,艺术家,社工人以及其他的皆是一种工作。我不久要开始上大学,选择专业。我想有一个计算机课主修,一个中文辅修,和一个钢琴演奏辅修,暑假想当实习。
22 mag 2015 03:01
Correzioni · 6

各种的工作(another way to say 工作 is 职业 )

工作的类型很多(or you can say 工作有很多种)。比如大夫(We intend to use 医生 both formally and informally, but 大夫 is more used in oral Chinese. Of course, there is no iron rule that you must use 医生in formal writing, but at least you cannot use 大夫in academic writing.),律师,工程师,程序员,外交官,翻译(translator is 翻译 not 翻译者),商人,农人农民,艺术家,工人(what do you want to say by 社工人?)以及其他的皆是一种工作(Here is a little bit complicated. There are two ways to express the sentence, but yours is a little strange. I will give you examples and please notice the words and punctuations that I use. Example1:工作的类型有很多,<in this case, you have to use a comma succeeded by the example that you are goning to take.>比如医生,律师,工程师,程序员,外交官,翻译,商人,农民,艺术家,工人等等。Example2:工作的类型有很多。<Here is a full stop.>医生,律师,工程师,程序员,外交官,翻译,商人,农民,艺术家,工人等等皆是一种工作。)我不久之后就开始(开始 is not necessary here. You can put 开始 here, but it is not so brief.)上大学(It is optional to use 了here.),还要选择专业。我想有一个计算机课主修,一个中文辅修,和一个钢琴演奏辅修(Let me put this sentence in this way---我想主修计算机,辅修中文和钢琴演奏。 This time, the sentence is much more natural)暑假想当实习(暑假想去实习(do the internship)/暑假想当实习生(be an intern))。

22 maggio 2015



22 maggio 2015
你可以同时修这么多课程,特别羡慕你。在我们学校,我们学生只有一个主修专业,少之又少的人才会有第二专业。好好学习吧,you are young.
22 maggio 2015
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