Guangzhou Part I 我今日會广州。佢係我嘅其中之一最愛嘅城市同埋我日日喪玩。我第一次喺嗰度去同我嘅dance crew。中國tour已內广州係我哋嘅第二個目的地。我喺香港答咗火車去广州。广州舞團嘅人同我哋係火車站見面。佢喺酒店哋帶咗我哋。我永不會唔記得呢個酒店嘅床。佢好真係好好堅硬啦。佢冇床褥。 我哋第一嗰晚食左飲茶。我好超級鍾意飲茶。之所以我哋差唔多日日食飲茶。我哋好攰因為旅遊,所以我哋早瞓覺。 我哋嘅監督人話咗我哋應該喺dance center教書跳舞。佢多話咗我哋唔應該預期好多。相反發生咗。我哋行路去BeijingLu。呢度係大戲台。我哋喺戲台應該跳舞。我哋好興奮。我哋喺戲台跳舞之前大件事開始。我哋吸客好大人群。警衛一定要防範佢。咁警衛修建障礙。我覺得我喺巨星啦。 我哋去食晏只係我哋嘅表現開始。當我哋出去戲台嘅時候好多人問影相同我哋。如果靚女問我,我日日話“我係靚仔”。如果我話呢個據知,靚女問我嘅電話後。哈哈。我哋俾幾個靚女再邀請食晏。哈哈,跳舞喺中國你有免費嘅食飯。 我哋似的跳表現。我前便好大人群未曾跳舞。呢度係千多個人。我哋前便三百個人通常跳舞。 大件事八點就好。好多我嘅朋友返酒店,但係我同幾個朋友去玩我哋自己。中國女知名我哋佢最愛嘅酒樓。我哋係咗好慶幸啦。食好好味同埋我學廣東話(好味/好飽) Today I will write about Guangzhou. It is one of my favorite towns and I always have an awesome time there. The first time I went there was with my dance crew. It was the second stop on our China-tour. We took the train from HK to GZ. At the train station we were collected by dancers from GZ. They took us to our hotel. I will never forget the beds in the hotel. They were really hard and didn’t have a matrass. On the first night we had yam ca. I really love yam ca. That’s why almost every meal was yam ca. We were very tired because of the travelling, so we went to bed early. On the next day our supervisor told us, that we should give a workshop at a dance center. He also said that we shouldn’t expect anything big. Well it happened to be the complete opposite. We walked to Beijung Lu. There was a big stage. We should perform on that stage. All of us were really excited. We already started to dance on stage before the event was starting. We attracted a huge crowd. The security had to keep them away from us. So they build up a barrier. I felt like a star in that moment.
2 giu 2015 22:29
Correzioni · 8

我今日會講吓州。呢度係我其中一個最愛嘅城市。我喺呢度日日喪玩。我第一次去廣州係同我嘅dance crew一齊去。廣州係我哋中國tour嘅第二個目的地。我哋喺香港火車去廣州。廣州舞團嘅人喺火車站接我哋。然後佢喺帶咗我哋去酒店。我永遠唔會忘記嗰間酒店張床。張床冇床褥真係好硬。


我哋嘅監督人話我哋應該喺dance center教跳舞。佢又叫我哋唔好有太大期望。但係啱啱相反。我哋行路去BeijingLu。呢度係大舞台。我哋應該上去舞台跳舞。我哋好興奮。我哋喺表演開始之前已經喺舞台度跳舞。我哋吸引咗好大群人。搞到警衛要攔住佢哋。嗰一刻我覺得自己係大明星。

4 giugno 2015
awwwwwwww I missed your amzaing dancing show.
7 giugno 2015

哈哈。我哋俾幾個靚女再邀請食晏。哈哈,跳舞喺中國你有免費嘅食飯。 我哋似的跳表現。我前便好大人群未曾跳舞。呢度係千多個人。我哋前便三百個人通常跳舞。 大件事八點就好。好多我嘅朋友返酒店,但係我同幾個朋友去玩我哋自己。中國女知名我哋佢最愛嘅酒樓。我哋係咗好慶幸啦。食好好味同埋我學廣東話(好味/好飽)


We were invited to lunch by a group of girls again. Haha dancing in China is a good way for a free meal. Later on we performed our show. It was crazy. I never had a crowd that big. There were more than thousands of people. We usually perform in front of 200-300 persons. The event ended around eight o’clock. Most of us went home, because they were tired, but me and my friends went out to have some fun. We were lucky that we had the Chinese girls with us, because they showed us their favorite restaurant. The food was very delicious and I also learned some new Cantonese words (hou mei/ho bao).



7 giugno 2015




7 giugno 2015
It seems like you really had a good time in Guangzhou. Expect to see more about your experiences in China.
5 giugno 2015
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