シンプルな生活 私はこれからミニマリストになりたい。 最強、韓国語で本を読んでいますが、内容は「シンプル的な生活」とか「シンプルに住んでいる」のことです。ほんの中で、たとえば、「本当に服をそうなにたくさんひつようですか」とか「愛している人と遊ぶことより家で買ったものを整理(掃除)することが大事なのか」みたいな質問があります。私にとってその問題があります。買ったものがたくさんあります。ところで本をたくさんかいますので、うちにいる時、いつもただ本を見て、掃除をしますが、実際に本を読まないです。それより、かぞくと遊びたいですが、代わりに、部屋の中でただ買ったものを見て、実際に何もしないです。部屋で、色んな作品とか本とか服がありますからなんか複雑です。説明するは難しいですが、ただ全文を捨てたいです。もっとシンプルなせいかつになるように〜!ものより、家族と友達と自分の健康と心はもっともっと大事だと思います。ものを捨てと、もっと楽になって、時間ももっとあるそうです。 ^上の話しは多文今まで一番難しいのエントリーだと思います;_;ちょっと日本語はまずいで分からないことがあるかもしれませんので、これから英語で書きます! These days, I am reading a Korean book about living a simple life or living simply. In the book, for example, it asks questions like "do you really need all those clothes?" or "is organizing your room and things you've bought more important than (spending time with = spending time withは日本語でなんでしょうか〜) your loved ones?". I have a problem like that. I have so many things that I bought. By the way, I bought so many books, so when I am at home, I just sort through them or look at them without actually reading them. Moreover, I want to spend time with my family but I am always in my room just looking at stuff I bought and not actually doing anything. In my room I have various books and clothes and products. Its hard to explain, but I just want to throw all of it away! In order to have a more simple life~. Above things, family and friends and one's own health and heart are more important. If you get rid of things, you can become more relaxed and have more free time.
29 giu 2015 14:07
Correzioni · 6



韓国語で本 -- 韓国語の本


家で買ったものを整理(掃除)すること(organizing your room)
-- 家で、購入した物で部屋を飾ること


掃除をしますが、(I just sort through them) -- 整頓しますが/片付けをしますが


色んな作品とか本とか服があります。(I have various books and clothes and products.)
-- 色んな本とか服とか品物があります。


ミニマリストという単語は初めて聞いてみます。 もし読まれた韓国本も日本の本を翻訳した


4 luglio 2015








These days, I am reading a Korean book about living a simple life or living simply. In the book, for example, it asks questions like "do you really need all those clothes?" or "is organizing your room and things you've bought more important than (spending time with = spending time withは日本語でなんでしょうか〜) your loved ones?". I have a problem like that. I have so many things that I bought. By the way, I bought so many books, so when I am at home, I just sort through them or look at them without actually reading them. Moreover, I want to spend time with my family but I am always in my room just looking at stuff I bought and not actually doing anything. In my room I have various books and clothes and products. Its hard to explain, but I just want to throw all of it away! In order to have a more simple life~. Above things, family and friends and one's own health and heart are more important. If you get rid of things, you can become more relaxed and have more free time.

4 luglio 2015
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