jogging I go jogging everyday these days.I go jogging because I want to be thinner and have a healthy body.I am lucky because I have a sports mate.He is my neibour and he is also my classmate.that is cool,right.So I can go jogging everyday because I cannot be lazy.I have to go out ON time or I will make him wait for me.That would be impolite.My mom and my dad are super fans of marathon and they run a lot. Well,I mean,everybody should stop playing computer games or stop watching phones,and begin to do sports.It will be good for you and make you a good day.Most importantly,you can be thinner and more attractive! So why not?
6 lug 2015 14:53
Correzioni · 2



I go jogging everyday these days. I go jogging because I want to be thinner and have a healthy body. I am lucky because I have a sports mate companion. He is my neighbour and he is also my classmate. That is cool, right? So I can have to go jogging everyday because I cannot be lazy. I have to go out ON time or I will make him would have to wait for me. That would be impolite. My mom and my dad are super fans of the marathon and they run a lot.

Well, I mean, everybody should stop playing computer games or stop watching, stop looking at their phones,  and begin to do sports. It will would be good for you and make you a good day. Most importantly, you can become thinner and more attractive! So why not?

6 luglio 2015
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