Female bodyguard Female bodyguard, a special profession, after being reported by the media, will they be chosen over capability or appearance? It is now become a controversial topic in China. Is it a trophy guard or a safety guard? People choose them based on their own needs. The gradually changing training standards reflect the value of the people. Bodyguard is a dangerous profession, In some country there are only retired soldiers can take the position, because they have the ability to cope with the emergency. In China, bodyguard become a new profession with the demands rising. For the special occasion, female body guard are more suitable than males, females are more alarm,so king Elizabeth from UK has a female body guard. In the other countries, female body guard are trained to fight for protecting the boss and herself, but now in China, it turns out to become a new market,impacting by the notion about body guard should be qualified and good looking, the female body guard become fewer and fewer. Some female body guards training center become picky to select the female body guard, How to get the public attention becomes the the main purpose. According the media, one of the female body guard training center published a group of female body guard’s photo,six sexy women, in Bikini, good figure, are fighting in the combat square. Netizens said: it is loosing the initial purpose for training the female body guard, it looks like a sales promotion. How do you think about the new trend of female body guard? Is is pretty should be the new standard to be a female body guard?
31 ago 2015 07:40