I didn't celebrate Christmas because of my religion. There are 6 religions in Indonesia. We've been respecting each other. If other religion has a ceremony day to celebrate, the government will give holiday to us. I'm loving it! We have so many holidays. That's not the point hehe. Personally, I was spending my Christmas holiday with my family. It had been a long time since I didn't come back to my hometown. Christmas day and new year were holiday that happening straight in a week. I had fun time with my family. I've started reading book by buying some great discounts book due to new years.
26 feb 2021 03:00
Correzioni · 2
I didn't celebrate Christmas because of my religion. There are 6 religions in Indonesia. We've been respecting each other. If another religion has a ceremonial day to celebrate, the government will give holiday to us. I'm loving it! We have so many holidays. That's not the point hehe. Personally, I was spending my Christmas holiday with my family. It had been a long time since I went back to my hometown. Christmas day and new year were holidays that were happening during the same week. I had fun time with my family. I've started reading books by buying some great books that were on sale due to new years.
Overall very well written. I was not completely sure of your meaning in the last sentence, but hopefully this gets the idea across.
26 febbraio 2021
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