How did you pass your 1st exams? Was it scary?
21 mag 2011 14:30
Risposte · 5
21 maggio 2011
Try to focus less on your fear because it can only overtake you if you allow it. It's all in the way you perceive your situation. Focus on the end result (a positive end result!). Tell yourself that you have studied and have prepared as much as you can. Allow your best to be enough. Don't lie to yourself, but try your best to be positive. Imagine yourself completing your exam and feeling confident about it. If that's hard to do, practice some relaxation techniques like progressive muscle relaxation and try again.
22 maggio 2011
You've got to be examophobic!
22 maggio 2011
Yes I was scared. I passed my exams because I did a lot of revision by going over past exam papers.
22 maggio 2011
It was only dreadful because everyone including parents and teachers were telling how hard and serious exams were with their straight faces.
21 maggio 2011
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