What foods do you like to eat or prepare for New Years Eve?
27 dic 2007 15:53
Risposte · 7
In the southern United States, collard greens (see wikipedia for more info) along with black-eyed peas (and probably cornbread) are traditional New Year's *Day* foods. Supposedly the collards resembled folded money, and the peas coins, thus insuring success (especially monetary) in the coming year. Probably a load of crap. But that was my lunch today :).
1 gennaio 2008
dumpling ,noodle and other traditional food in China
31 dicembre 2007
There are no definite dishes for New Year's Eve in the United States, but champagne is big. My family prepares a big plate of cheese and crackers to snack on.
29 dicembre 2007
Russian salad or "salade russe" (also known as Salade Olivier in Russia and Iran) is a salad composed of diced vegetables and sometimes meats bound in mayonnaise =) Also alot of champagne and alcohol))))
28 dicembre 2007
Our traditional food here in China is dumpling for New Year's Eve.
28 dicembre 2007
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